Commit 265d9f65 authored by Jean-Paul Saman's avatar Jean-Paul Saman

src/xvba_video.c: Do not leak subpicture associations.

xvba_DestroySurfaces() leaked subpicture associations, since the
for loop did not actually iterate over the subpicture association
parent a2b59c02
......@@ -580,12 +580,14 @@ xvba_DestroySurfaces(
const unsigned int n_assocs = obj_surface->assocs_count;
for (j = 0, n = 0; j < n_assocs; j++) {
SubpictureAssociationP const assoc = obj_surface->assocs[0];
SubpictureAssociationP const assoc = obj_surface->assocs[j];
if (!assoc)
obj_subpicture = XVBA_SUBPICTURE(assoc->subpicture);
if (!obj_subpicture)
/* FIXME: release any subpicture image memory too if it happens
* to still be allocated. */
status = subpicture_deassociate_1(obj_subpicture, obj_surface);
if (status == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS)
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