Commit 549449fc authored by Thomas Guillem's avatar Thomas Guillem Committed by Rémi Denis-Courmont

decoder: add decoder_QueueSub

This function allow asynchronous decoders to queue a subtitle to the video
output. Decoders that use this function should return NULL in pf_decode_sub
Signed-off-by: default avatarRémi Denis-Courmont <>
parent fdddb84a
......@@ -125,6 +125,8 @@ struct decoder_t
int (*pf_queue_video)( decoder_t *, picture_t * );
/* XXX use decoder_QueueAudio */
int (*pf_queue_audio)( decoder_t *, block_t * );
/* XXX use decoder_QueueSub */
int (*pf_queue_sub)( decoder_t *, subpicture_t *);
/* Private structure for the owner of the decoder */
decoder_owner_sys_t *p_owner;
......@@ -282,6 +284,25 @@ static inline int decoder_QueueAudio( decoder_t *dec, block_t *p_aout_buf )
return dec->pf_queue_audio( dec, p_aout_buf );
* This function queues a subtitle to the video output.
* \note
* The caller doesn't own the subtitle anymore after this call (even in case of
* error).
* \return 0 if the subtitle is queued, -1 on error
static inline int decoder_QueueSub( decoder_t *dec, subpicture_t *p_spu )
if( !dec->pf_queue_sub )
subpicture_Delete( p_spu );
return -1;
return dec->pf_queue_sub( dec, p_spu );
* This function notifies the audio output pipeline of a new audio output
* format ( If there is currently no audio output or if the
......@@ -1247,50 +1247,56 @@ static void DecoderPlaySpu( decoder_t *p_dec, subpicture_t *p_subpic )
vout_PutSubpicture( p_vout, p_subpic );
/* This function process a subtitle block
static void DecoderProcessSpu( decoder_t *p_dec, block_t *p_block )
static int DecoderQueueSpu( decoder_t *p_dec, subpicture_t *p_spu )
assert( p_spu );
decoder_owner_sys_t *p_owner = p_dec->p_owner;
input_thread_t *p_input = p_owner->p_input;
vout_thread_t *p_vout;
subpicture_t *p_spu;
while( (p_spu = p_dec->pf_decode_sub( p_dec, p_block ? &p_block : NULL ) ) )
if( p_input != NULL )
if( p_input != NULL )
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_input->p->counters.counters_lock );
stats_Update( p_input->p->counters.p_decoded_sub, 1, NULL );
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_input->p->counters.counters_lock );
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_input->p->counters.counters_lock );
stats_Update( p_input->p->counters.p_decoded_sub, 1, NULL );
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_input->p->counters.counters_lock );
p_vout = input_resource_HoldVout( p_owner->p_resource );
if( p_vout && p_owner->p_spu_vout == p_vout )
int i_ret = -1;
vout_thread_t *p_vout = input_resource_HoldVout( p_owner->p_resource );
if( p_vout && p_owner->p_spu_vout == p_vout )
/* Preroll does not work very well with subtitle */
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_owner->lock );
if( p_spu->i_start > VLC_TS_INVALID &&
p_spu->i_start < p_owner->i_preroll_end &&
( p_spu->i_stop <= VLC_TS_INVALID || p_spu->i_stop < p_owner->i_preroll_end ) )
/* Preroll does not work very well with subtitle */
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_owner->lock );
if( p_spu->i_start > VLC_TS_INVALID &&
p_spu->i_start < p_owner->i_preroll_end &&
( p_spu->i_stop <= VLC_TS_INVALID || p_spu->i_stop < p_owner->i_preroll_end ) )
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_owner->lock );
subpicture_Delete( p_spu );
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_owner->lock );
DecoderPlaySpu( p_dec, p_spu );
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_owner->lock );
subpicture_Delete( p_spu );
subpicture_Delete( p_spu );
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_owner->lock );
DecoderPlaySpu( p_dec, p_spu );
i_ret = 0;
if( p_vout )
vlc_object_release( p_vout );
subpicture_Delete( p_spu );
if( p_vout )
vlc_object_release( p_vout );
return i_ret;
/* This function process a subtitle block
static void DecoderProcessSpu( decoder_t *p_dec, block_t *p_block )
subpicture_t *p_spu;
while( (p_spu = p_dec->pf_decode_sub( p_dec, p_block ? &p_block : NULL ) ) )
DecoderQueueSpu( p_dec, p_spu );
......@@ -1594,6 +1600,7 @@ static decoder_t * CreateDecoder( vlc_object_t *p_parent,
p_dec->pf_get_display_rate = DecoderGetDisplayRate;
p_dec->pf_queue_video = DecoderQueueVideo;
p_dec->pf_queue_audio = DecoderQueueAudio;
p_dec->pf_queue_sub = DecoderQueueSpu;
/* Load a packetizer module if the input is not already packetized */
if( p_sout == NULL && !fmt->b_packetized )
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