Commit 319eeccf authored by Jean-Paul Saman's avatar Jean-Paul Saman

Show edit and delete images.

parent 38b27e9d
......@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ function timesheets($type, $order)
if (($canEdit) && ($row["timesheet_status"]) < 1) {
// call the edit site with the unique id of the timesheet item
echo "\n".'<a href="?m=timesheet&a=addedit&timesheet_id=' . $row["timesheet_id"] . '">';
echo w2PshowImage( './images/icons/stock_edit-16.png', '16', '16' );
echo w2PshowImage( 'icons/stock_edit-16.png', '16', '16' );
echo "\n</a>";
echo "</td>";
......@@ -179,12 +179,12 @@ function timesheets($type, $order)
echo w2PformSafe("Approved");
echo "</td>";
echo "<td nowrap=\"nowrap\" width=\"20\">";
/* if ($canDelete) {
if ($canDelete) {
// call the edit site with the unique id of the timesheet item
echo "\n".'<a href="?m=timesheet&a=addedit&timesheet_id=' . $row["timesheet_id"] . '">';
echo dPshowImage( './images/icons/stock_delete-16.png', '16', '16' );
echo w2PshowImage( 'icons/stock_delete-16.png', '16', '16' );
echo "\n</a>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
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