Commit ae09755a authored by Jean-Paul Saman's avatar Jean-Paul Saman

src/xvba_video_glx.c: Remove dead X11 code

parent 8a9898b6
......@@ -167,22 +167,6 @@ static void *render_thread(void *arg)
#if 0
/* Create a new X connection so that glXSwapBuffers() doesn't get
through the main thread X queue that probably wasn't set up as
MT-safe [XInitThreads()].
XXX: this assumes the Catalyst driver can still share GLX
contexts from another Display struct, though actually the very
same underlying X11 display (XDisplayString() shall match). */
Display *x11_dpy;
x11_dpy = XOpenDisplay(driver_data->x11_dpy_name);
if (!x11_dpy) {
obj_output->render_thread_ok = 0;
return NULL;
#elif 0
/* Use the xvba-video global X11 display */
Display * const x11_dpy = driver_data->x11_dpy_local;
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