- 27 Aug, 2000 4 commits
Christophe Massiot authored
saut�s dans les images B qui provoquait des carr�s.
Sam Hocevar authored
(Oct, tu devrais vraiment regarder ton �diteur. Tu as vu le bordel qu'il a foutu dans src/interface/interface.c ?)
Sam Hocevar authored
Henri, il y a du nouveau boulot pour toi, regarde la task 0x38, �a ne devrait pas �tre trop dur, �a t'obligera � lire le code de l'audio_output, et surtout �a te fera la bite.
Christophe Massiot authored
- 26 Aug, 2000 2 commits
Christophe Massiot authored
changement de plan. Si c'est encore moche, c'est pas de ma faute, c'est le scaling.
Henri Fallon authored
Put a test outside a loop : fixes task 0x31
- 24 Aug, 2000 4 commits
Pierre Baillet authored
Pierre Baillet authored
Some news things: . I am still going on modifiying the key event handling method to make it more flexible. I still have a few things to get what I'd like to . added a keystrokes.h include which contains a generic name of all the VLC keys binding . modified some of the core interface routines to allow the passing of an extra parameter with a keystroke (VLC_CHANNEL). . next step: move all the interface dependent parts (such as the getKey function) to the plugins. Hope this will run on your boxes...
Sam Hocevar authored
Sam Hocevar authored
- 23 Aug, 2000 4 commits
Sam Hocevar authored
. fixed the aliases install . renamed an inconsistent variable in src/input/input_file.c
Jean-Marc Dressler authored
Christophe Massiot authored
Sam Hocevar authored
pictures, if you notice anything please ring my bell. --Meuuh (live from Julie)
- 22 Aug, 2000 2 commits
Sam Hocevar authored
Sam Hocevar authored
* temporarily got rid of vlc.channels. * added notice in debian/control about unencrypted DVDs. * fixed PowerPC .deb build.
- 21 Aug, 2000 7 commits
Jean-Marc Dressler authored
Sam Hocevar authored
. removed a verbose message in intf_sdl.c
Jean-Marc Dressler authored
- the vlc does not exhaust system resources anymore (it was creating a new mutex each picture so after a while there was no more mutex available in the entire system); - the sound has been corrected and now it works perfectly; - the window has now the right size (there was and additional line before). The (BeOS) threads have also been improved especially with the cond vars (but it is no more compliant with the pthread cond vars). VideoLAN for BeOS now rocks and is ready for its first binary release.
Pierre Baillet authored
.removed the YUV thing from the SDL .cleaned up the makefile to remove it .UNTESTED (seems to compile).
Pierre Baillet authored
. switched low and high order vout plugins . removed yuvsdl plugin.
Pierre Baillet authored
. The interface part: . created intf_AssignKey, intf_getKey and intf_AssignNormalKeys these new function are a first abstraction of the the key handling system. It makes use of a new structure in the interface : p_keys. . AssignNormalKeys is commonly used in all the interface plugins. AssignKey is used to allow the SDL interface to react nicely. . Now the plugin struct element psz_filename is filled (and freed at the end of the program). . the SDL plugin: works but does only display a green screen for now. so don't use it ! . Please try and compile the client on your box with this version. I've tried a few output plugin but not all.
Sam Hocevar authored
* added hints for powerpc build. * fixed the input_file exit bug. * fixed a Makefile bug which removed the CVS directory. * removed the frame statistics output.
- 18 Aug, 2000 3 commits
Jean-Marc Dressler authored
plantages al�atoires au lancement (i_buffer_pos n'�tait pas initialis�).
Sam Hocevar authored
. added the vlc-sdl package in the Debian control files
Pierre Baillet authored
* Added SDL plugin * support fullscreen display with --display fullscreen * complete keyboard handling * Added --enable_sdl to configure Octplane.
- 17 Aug, 2000 1 commit
Sam Hocevar authored
Description: Fix plugins namespace problem Description: Fix plugin autoloading Description: Real plugin API Description: Enable compiled-in plugins Description: Optimize SPU rendering Description: SPU error recovery
- 16 Aug, 2000 1 commit
Sam Hocevar authored
* changed "pentiumpro" to "ppro" in the ./configure, it was misleading. * prepared 0.1.99g
- 15 Aug, 2000 3 commits
Sam Hocevar authored
-march=pentium directive. thanks Meuuh, blame sam. * fixed a warning in main.c. * separate Debian packages. * added request for ALSA support in the TODO list.
Jean-Marc Dressler authored
bit stream, la macro pour la conversion de BIGENDIAN vers LITTLEENDIAN ne fonctionnant (toujours) pas. La version BeOS pose encore de gros probl�mes: - des plantages al�atoires lorsqu'on utilise le son, - des performances tr�s en dessous de celles d'anciennes version du vlc, - une synchro son qui ne fonctionne pas correctement, - au bout d'un certain temps d'utilisation, toutes les ressources syst�mes sont consomm�es et le syst�me lui-m�me devient instable (merci d'�viter les commentaires sur la stabilit� de BeOS)
Sam Hocevar authored
. de nouvelles id�es dans la TODO list : Difficulty: Guru Urgency: Wishlist Support for RTP Difficulty: Medium Urgency: Wishlist Draw a font / support color fonts Difficulty: Medium Urgency: Important Layer 2 mono support Difficulty: Hard Urgency: Wishlist MP3 support Difficulty: Hard Urgency: Normal Support for unencapsulated streams Difficulty: Guru Urgency: Wishlist Ogg/Vorbis audio decoder support Difficulty: Hard Urgency: Normal Xv video output support Difficulty: Medium Urgency: Normal SDL video output support
- 14 Aug, 2000 1 commit
Sam Hocevar authored
* fixed the fscked up Bresenham algorithm in all YUV functions.
- 13 Aug, 2000 2 commits
Sam Hocevar authored
cannot do scaling :-) * fixed a few long lines. * _almost_ fixed 8bpp YUV.
Sam Hocevar authored
* fixed 32bpp MMX YUV, made the comments clearer, removed an emms.
- 10 Aug, 2000 2 commits
Sam Hocevar authored
Sam Hocevar authored
- 08 Aug, 2000 2 commits
Sam Hocevar authored
piti�, pour ne laisser que � vlc �, � gvlc � (gnome) et � fbvlc � (framebuffer) ; les autres restent bien entendu accessibles avec par exemple � vlc --vout ggi �. . IMPORTANT - nouvelle option --synchro pour forcer un type de synchro. Pour le moment les options possibles sont : --synchro I /* n'affiche que les I */ --synchro IP /* affiche les I et toutes les P */ --synchro IP+ /* affiche les I, les P, et la moiti� des B */ --synchro IPB /* affiche toutes les images */ Toute autre valeur de --synchro sera ignor�e et c'est l'algo par d�faut bas� sur la consommation de processeur qui sera utilis�. Notez que si vous en demandez trop au vlc, il va bien entendu planter, ou tout du moins remplir sa fifo comme un gros cochon. On n'y peut pas grand chose, c'est la vie.
Sam Hocevar authored
. version 0.1.99f . divers fixes dans la cr�ation des packages
- 07 Aug, 2000 2 commits
Sam Hocevar authored
Sam Hocevar authored