An error occurred fetching the project authors.
  1. 31 Jan, 2001 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · 8628860b
      Sam Hocevar authored
       . version 0.2.50 for the Linux Expo
       . --overlay and --fulscreen options (only work with --vout sdl)
       . the vlc exits after the end of the stream, which prevents from having
         to kill it and relaunch it during a presentation, just script it like :
            for i in ~/mpeg/* ; do vlc --fullscreen --overlay --vout sdl $i ; done
       Yes, I know the --overlay stuff is fucking ugly. But *I* am not the one
        who redefines vout_sys_t in an interface-related source file. I won't
        change it until the vout/intf is finished being rewritten.
       Additional information: if "--overlay --fulscreen" doesn't center your
        picture, try with your screen geometry, eg:
        "--overlay --fullscreen --width 1024 --height 768"
  2. 23 Jan, 2001 1 commit
  3. 22 Jan, 2001 2 commits
  4. 19 Jan, 2001 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · 7590bd9b
      Sam Hocevar authored
       . changed program version to 0.2.5 (preparing 0.3.0 release).
       . changed codename to Urumov
       . cleaned a lot of stuff in the Debian package generation.
        If anyone objects with the versioning scheme, let's fight in the
        dirt and sort that out. Or change it yourself.
        Debian packages can be tried here:
  5. 18 Jan, 2001 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · 647cca0e
      Sam Hocevar authored
          The motion compensation routines are now modules as well ; choose your
        implementation with `--motion motion', `--motion motionmmx' or
        `--motion motionmmxext'. Of course, the best implementation is chosen
        if you don't ask for any. There doesn't seem to be any performance hit
        due to the move to shared libs, which is a good thing. Please test
        actively if you have time, though.
          Updated --help result, manpage, INSTALL document, and a few files.
          I moved vdec_motion.h and vpar_blocks.h back to /include because they
        will be needed to build motion compensation modules, but perhaps we don't
        need to export everything which is in these files.
          /src/video_decoder/ now has only one .c file, perhaps it could now be
        merged with video_parser ?
  6. 16 Jan, 2001 2 commits
  7. 13 Jan, 2001 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · 26ee312a
      Sam Hocevar authored
       . the IDCT functions are now located in modules : the classic IDCT,
         our optimized IDCT, and MMX IDCT.
       . cosmetic changes for modules (pf_* instead of p_*)
       . fixes to the BeOS and dummy modules
         WARNING: a new directory has been added, which means you have to
         use `cvs update -dP' to update ; files have been removed , which means
         you either have to run `make distclean' or remove the .deps directory,
         and the configure script has changed, which means you have to run it
         again. Don't complain before having checked this :)
         Note about the IDCT modules: there is no way to choose the one we
         use, but you may remove the module in lib/ to prevent it from being
         loaded. The preference order is : MMX, Optimized, Classic.
  8. 09 Jan, 2001 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · ef05e776
      Sam Hocevar authored
       . fixed a warning under FreeBSD (dlerror() is a const char*, not a char*).
       . made configure script look for the bswap assembly instruction (using
         AC_TRY_COMPILE makes sure the compiler will really accept it).
  9. 06 Jan, 2001 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · ffa693e8
      Sam Hocevar authored
       . should compile & run on Solaris with ./configure --disable-dsp
          (tested on puma)
       . removed most SYS_SOLARIS #ifdef's in favour of more generic tests
       . updated example ./configure line in INSTALL file
       . now we only load modules that end with ".so"
       . null module is compiled by default
  10. 05 Jan, 2001 2 commits
    • Christophe Massiot's avatar
      BSD port, including : · 454454b5
      Christophe Massiot authored
      * --enable-sdl and some others are now --with-sdl[=name] to supply an
      optional library name ;
      * deleted all unnecessary #include <sys/uio.h> ;
      * /usr/include is now searched when looking for libraries and headers.
      It seems to compile and run on BSD. Under Linux Sam's latest commit makes
      vlc crash on startup, so I can't really tell, but hey it compiles.
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      · bcaed52c
      Sam Hocevar authored
       . added the Null Module, the module that does nothing but that is going
          to be of great help for debugging my module code.
  11. 10 Dec, 2000 1 commit
    • Benoit Steiner's avatar
      · 53c2e3ac
      Benoit Steiner authored
      Generation d'un makefile presque correct pour les vieilles versions de make
      Nettoyage: gestion des dependances pour les plugins, suppressions de pas
      mal de redondances, options de compilations coherentes, etc...
  12. 29 Nov, 2000 2 commits
  13. 27 Nov, 2000 1 commit
    • Christophe Massiot's avatar
      * vlc is now compiled without the STATS mode by default. · b335e3b4
      Christophe Massiot authored
       * Fixed a bug which made frames go backwards with some displays (the
         video_decoder thread is now niced).
       * Made use of intf_WarnMsg() in the most needed places.
      Also simplified the synchro algorithm and fixed a bug with non-(5/1) streams.
      Fixed the optimizations in the configure stuff.
      Warning : this release needs a full rebuild (make clean; make).
      Warning : I might have broken the BeOS port, could somebody check ?
  14. 23 Nov, 2000 1 commit
    • Henri Fallon's avatar
      · 313cf680
      Henri Fallon authored
      - Cosmetic changes to alsa.c
      - Configure now checks alsa is present
  15. 20 Nov, 2000 1 commit
    • Henri Fallon's avatar
      · a7dd995f
      Henri Fallon authored
      Added : alsa support
      Todo : - test it on several cards
             - support more than Stereo s16
             - make configure check for alsa
  16. 18 Nov, 2000 1 commit
  17. 18 Oct, 2000 1 commit
  18. 28 Aug, 2000 1 commit
  19. 23 Aug, 2000 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      . fixed an other typo · 3bc946fc
      Sam Hocevar authored
       . fixed the aliases install
       . renamed an inconsistent variable in src/input/input_file.c
  20. 22 Aug, 2000 1 commit
  21. 21 Aug, 2000 2 commits
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      . updated version number · 99eda04a
      Sam Hocevar authored
       . removed a verbose message in intf_sdl.c
    • Pierre Baillet's avatar
      A few new things: · 9ac8c0ec
      Pierre Baillet authored
      	. The interface part:
      			. created intf_AssignKey, intf_getKey and intf_AssignNormalKeys
      			these new function are a first abstraction of the the key handling system.			It makes use of a new structure in the interface : p_keys.
      			. AssignNormalKeys is commonly used in all the interface plugins.
      			AssignKey is used to allow the SDL interface to react nicely.
      			. Now the plugin struct element psz_filename is filled (and freed
      				at the end of the program).
      	. the SDL plugin:
      			works but does only display a green screen for now. so don't use it !
      	. Please try and compile the client on your box with this version.
      		I've tried a few output plugin but not all.
  22. 18 Aug, 2000 2 commits
  23. 15 Aug, 2000 1 commit
  24. 08 Aug, 2000 2 commits
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      . vir� les aliases � xvlc �, � ggivlc � etc. qui faisaient un peu · 57947f96
      Sam Hocevar authored
        piti�, pour ne laisser que � vlc �, � gvlc � (gnome) et � fbvlc �
        (framebuffer) ; les autres restent bien entendu accessibles avec
        par exemple � vlc --vout ggi �.
       . IMPORTANT - nouvelle option --synchro pour forcer un type de
        synchro. Pour le moment les options possibles sont :
          --synchro I     /* n'affiche que les I */
          --synchro IP    /* affiche les I et toutes les P */
          --synchro IP+   /* affiche les I, les P, et la moiti� des B */
          --synchro IPB   /* affiche toutes les images */
         Toute autre valeur de --synchro sera ignor�e et c'est l'algo
        par d�faut bas� sur la consommation de processeur qui sera
        utilis�. Notez que si vous en demandez trop au vlc, il va
        bien entendu planter, ou tout du moins remplir sa fifo comme
        un gros cochon. On n'y peut pas grand chose, c'est la vie.
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      . d�commentage d'une fonction comment�e par erreur · 9667c930
      Sam Hocevar authored
       . version 0.1.99f
       . divers fixes dans la cr�ation des packages
  25. 20 Jul, 2000 1 commit
  26. 04 Jul, 2000 1 commit
    • Sam Hocevar's avatar
      Bon, puisque �a semble commiter sous BeOS, je commite. · 57e189eb
      Sam Hocevar authored
      Voil� le changelog appoximatif :
       . fichier INSTALL plus clair
       . vir� quelques warnings
       . *PATH sont maintenant d�finis dans config.h
       . quelques fautes d'orthographe
       . l'option --enable-ppro n'est pas mise par d�faut car elle ne fonctionne
        pas sur un K6-2
       . nouvelle API des plugins
       . le client framebuffer ne d�truit plus la console quand on quitte
       . r�paration de la YUV 8 bits
       . mise des YUV en plugins
       . transfo YUV 32bits MMX chour�e dans la libmpeg2
  27. 23 Jun, 2000 1 commit
  28. 20 Jun, 2000 1 commit
  29. 19 Jun, 2000 1 commit
  30. 17 Jun, 2000 1 commit
  31. 15 Jun, 2000 1 commit
  32. 01 Jun, 2000 1 commit
  33. 29 May, 2000 1 commit