Commit ff0e7068 authored by David Fuhrmann's avatar David Fuhrmann

macosx: adapt recursiveExpandNode to new playlist model

parent c5db7205
......@@ -854,15 +854,13 @@
playlist_item_t *p_item;
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < count; i++) {
o_item = [o_outline_view itemAtRow: indexes[i]];
p_item = (playlist_item_t *)[o_item pointerValue];
if (![[o_outline_view dataSource] outlineView: o_outline_view isItemExpandable: o_item])
o_item = [o_outline_dict objectForKey: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%p", p_item->p_parent]];
/* We need to collapse the node first, since OSX refuses to recursively
expand an already expanded node, even if children nodes are collapsed. */
[o_outline_view collapseItem: o_item collapseChildren: YES];
[o_outline_view expandItem: o_item expandChildren: YES];
if ([o_outline_view isExpandable:o_item]) {
[o_outline_view collapseItem: o_item collapseChildren: YES];
[o_outline_view expandItem: o_item expandChildren: YES];
selectedRows = [o_outline_view selectedRowIndexes];
[selectedRows getIndexes:indexes maxCount:count inIndexRange:nil];
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