Commit facce14d authored by Rémi Denis-Courmont's avatar Rémi Denis-Courmont

RAM: use decode_URI(), not FromLocale(). Untested.

Also try to fix a few leaks (but meta handling still seems suspicious).

P.S.: That sort of things should be obvious.
Please don't commit such crap without reviewing.
parent 9dfe9ce6
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
#include <vlc_common.h>
#include <vlc_demux.h>
#include <vlc_charset.h>
#include <vlc_url.h>
#include <ctype.h>
......@@ -100,34 +100,6 @@ void Close_RAM( vlc_object_t *p_this )
free( p_demux->p_sys );
* Returns a UTF8 encoded version of the string
* @param str: input string
* @return pointer to UTF8 string
static inline char *MaybeFromLocaleDup (const char *str)
if (str == NULL)
return NULL;
return IsUTF8 (str) ? strdup (str) : FromLocaleDup (str);
* Converts a string to UTF8 encoding
* @param str: input string
static inline void MaybeFromLocaleRep (char **str)
char *const orig_str = *str;
if ((orig_str != NULL) && !IsUTF8 (orig_str))
*str = FromLocaleDup (orig_str);
free (orig_str);
* Skips blanks in a given buffer
* @param s: input string
......@@ -260,52 +232,47 @@ static int Demux( demux_t *p_demux )
else if( *psz_parse )
char *psz_mrl, *psz_option_start, *psz_option_next, *psz_temp_mrl, *psz_option;
char *psz_mrl, *psz_option_next, *psz_option;
char *psz_param, *psz_value;
/* Get the MRL from the file. Note that this might contain parameters of form ?param1=value1&param2=value2 in a RAM file */
psz_mrl = ProcessMRL( psz_parse, p_demux->p_sys->psz_prefix );
MaybeFromLocaleRep( &psz_mrl );
b_cleanup = true;
if ( !psz_mrl ) goto error;
/* We have the MRL, now we have to check for options and parse them from MRL */
psz_temp_mrl = strdup( psz_mrl );
psz_option_start = strchr( psz_temp_mrl, '?' ); /* Look for start of options */
if( psz_option_start )
psz_option = strchr( psz_mrl, '?' ); /* Look for start of options */
if( psz_option )
psz_option_next = psz_option_start;
/* Remove options from MRL
because VLC can't get the file otherwise */
*psz_option = '\0';
psz_option_next = psz_option;
while( 1 ) /* Process each option */
/* Look for end of first option which maybe a & or \0 */
psz_option_start = psz_option_next;
psz_option_next = strchr( psz_option_start, '&' );
psz_option = psz_option_next;
psz_option_next = strchr( psz_option, '&' );
if( psz_option_next )
*psz_option_next = '\0';
psz_option_next = strchr( psz_option_start, '\0' );
psz_option_next = strchr( psz_option, '\0' );
/* Quit if options are over */
if( psz_option_next == psz_option_start )
if( psz_option_next == psz_option )
psz_option = MaybeFromLocaleDup( psz_option_start );
/* If this option is screwed up, try the next one */
if( !psz_option )
/* Parse out param and value */
psz_param = psz_option;
if( strchr( psz_option, '=' ) )
psz_value = strchr( psz_option, '=' ) + 1;
*(strchr( psz_option, '=' )) = '\0';
psz_value = strchr( psz_option, '=' );
if( psz_value == NULL )
*psz_value = '\0';
/* Take action based on parameter value in the below if else structure */
/* TODO: Remove any quotes surrounding values if required */
......@@ -316,7 +283,7 @@ static int Demux( demux_t *p_demux )
&psz_cdnum, &psz_comments ); /* clipinfo has various sub parameters, which is parsed by this function */
else if( !strcmp( psz_param, "author" ) )
psz_author = strdup(psz_value);
psz_author = decode_URI(psz_value);
else if( !strcmp( psz_param, "start" ) )
i_start = ParseTime( psz_value, strlen( psz_value ) );
......@@ -338,22 +305,16 @@ static int Demux( demux_t *p_demux )
else if( !strcmp( psz_param, "title" ) )
psz_title = strdup(psz_value);
psz_title = decode_URI(psz_value);
else if( !strcmp( psz_param, "copyright" ) )
psz_copyright = strdup(psz_value);
psz_copyright = decode_URI(psz_value);
{ /* TODO: insert option anyway? Currently ignores*/
/* INSERT_ELEM( ppsz_options, i_options, i_options, psz_option ); */
free( psz_option );
*(strchr( psz_mrl, '?' )) = '\0'; /* Remove options from MRL because VLC can't get the file otherwise */
free( psz_temp_mrl );
/* Create the input item and pump in all the options into playlist item */
p_input = input_item_NewExt( p_demux, psz_mrl, psz_title, i_options, ppsz_options, 0, i_duration );
......@@ -458,7 +419,7 @@ static void ParseClipInfo( const char *psz_clipinfo, char **ppsz_artist, char **
if( psz_option_next == psz_option_start )
psz_suboption = MaybeFromLocaleDup( psz_option_start );
psz_suboption = strdup( psz_option_start );
if( !psz_suboption )
......@@ -473,19 +434,19 @@ static void ParseClipInfo( const char *psz_clipinfo, char **ppsz_artist, char **
/* Put into args */
if( !strcmp( psz_param, "artist name" ) )
*ppsz_artist = strdup( psz_value );
*ppsz_artist = decode_URI( psz_value );
else if( !strcmp( psz_param, "title" ) )
*ppsz_title = strdup( psz_value );
*ppsz_title = decode_URI( psz_value );
else if( !strcmp( psz_param, "album name" ) )
*ppsz_album = strdup( psz_value );
*ppsz_album = decode_URI( psz_value );
else if( !strcmp( psz_param, "genre" ) )
*ppsz_genre = strdup( psz_value );
*ppsz_genre = decode_URI( psz_value );
else if( !strcmp( psz_param, "year" ) )
*ppsz_year = strdup( psz_value );
*ppsz_year = decode_URI( psz_value );
else if( !strcmp( psz_param, "cdnum" ) )
*ppsz_cdnum = strdup( psz_value );
*ppsz_cdnum = decode_URI( psz_value );
else if( !strcmp( psz_param, "comments" ) )
*ppsz_comments = strdup( psz_value );
*ppsz_comments = decode_URI( psz_value );
free( psz_suboption );
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