Commit f339d3ea authored by Felix Paul Kühne's avatar Felix Paul Kühne

macosx: remove useless setting as basically no user wants the wizard panel to...

macosx: remove useless setting as basically no user wants the wizard panel to reset in a single session, but demands it to keep its selections (this was the default behaviour anyway)
parent 37381b61
......@@ -78,10 +78,6 @@ void E_(CloseVideoGL) ( vlc_object_t * );
#define FSPANEL_LONGTEXT N_("Shows a lucent controller when moving the mouse " \
"in fullscreen mode.")
#define WIZARD_OPTIONS_SAVING_TEXT N_("Remember wizard options")
#define WIZARD_OPTIONS_SAVING_LONGTEXT N_("Remember the options in the " \
"wizard during one session of VLC.")
#define AUTOPLAY_OSX_TEST N_("Auto-playback of new items")
#define AUTOPLAY_OSX_LONGTEXT N_("Start playback of new items immediately " \
"once they were added." )
......@@ -98,8 +94,6 @@ vlc_module_begin();
add_bool( "macosx-fspanel", 1, NULL, FSPANEL_TEXT, FSPANEL_LONGTEXT,
add_bool( "macosx-wizard-keep", 1, NULL, WIZARD_OPTIONS_SAVING_TEXT,
set_description( _("Quartz video") );
......@@ -151,8 +151,6 @@
NSArray * o_encapFormats;
NSArray * o_strmgMthds;
NSString * o_opts;
BOOL b_keepSettingsOrNot;
- (IBAction)cancelRun:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)nextTab:(id)sender;
......@@ -304,52 +304,10 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
- (void)resetWizard
/* get the current state of our setting to keep the selections or not */
b_keepSettingsOrNot = (BOOL)config_GetInt( VLCIntf, "macosx-wizard-keep" );
/* go to the front page and clean up a bit */
[o_userSelections removeAllObjects];
[o_btn_forward setTitle: _NS("Next")];
[o_tab_pageHolder selectFirstTabViewItem:self];
if( b_keepSettingsOrNot )
/* reset the wizard-window to its default values if wanted */
[o_t1_matrix_strmgOrTrnscd selectCellAtRow:0 column:0];
[[o_t1_matrix_strmgOrTrnscd cellAtRow:1 column:0] setState: NSOffState];
/* "Input" */
[o_t2_fld_pathToNewStrm setStringValue: @""];
[o_t2_ckb_enblPartExtrct setState: NSOffState];
[self t2_enableExtract:nil];
[o_t2_matrix_inputSourceType selectCellAtRow:0 column:0];
[[o_t2_matrix_inputSourceType cellAtRow:1 column:0] setState: NSOffState];
[o_t2_fld_pathToNewStrm setEnabled:YES];
[o_t2_btn_chooseFile setEnabled:YES];
[o_t2_tbl_plst setEnabled:NO];
/* "Streaming 1" */
[o_t3_fld_address setStringValue: @""];
[o_t3_matrix_stmgMhd selectCellAtRow:0 column:0];
[[o_t3_matrix_stmgMhd cellAtRow:0 column:1] setState: NSOffState];
[[o_t3_matrix_stmgMhd cellAtRow:1 column:1] setState: NSOffState];
[[o_t3_matrix_stmgMhd cellAtRow:1 column:2] setState: NSOffState];
/* "Transcode 1" */
[o_t4_ckb_audio setState: NSOffState];
[o_t4_ckb_video setState: NSOffState];
[self t4_enblVidTrnscd:nil];
[self t4_enblAudTrnscd:nil];
/* "Streaming 2" */
[o_t6_fld_ttl setStringValue: @"1"];
[o_t6_ckb_sap setState: NSOffState];
[self t6_enblSapAnnce:nil];
/* "Transcode 2" */
[o_t7_fld_filePath setStringValue: @""];
- (void)initStrings
......@@ -1368,7 +1326,7 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
x += 1;
if( b_keepSettingsOrNot && savePreviousSel >= 0 )
if( savePreviousSel >= 0 )
[o_t4_pop_videoCodec selectItemAtIndex: savePreviousSel];
savePreviousSel = [o_t4_pop_audioCodec indexOfSelectedItem];
......@@ -1380,7 +1338,7 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
x += 1;
if( b_keepSettingsOrNot && savePreviousSel >= 0 )
if( savePreviousSel >= 0 )
[o_t4_pop_audioCodec selectItemAtIndex: savePreviousSel];
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