Commit f1cdb745 authored by Rémi Denis-Courmont's avatar Rémi Denis-Courmont

input: move stream/stream filter initialization

parent 8826c29c
......@@ -240,6 +240,97 @@ error:
return NULL;
demux_t *input_DemuxNew( vlc_object_t *obj, const char *access_name,
const char *demux_name, const char *path,
es_out_t *out, bool quick, input_thread_t *input )
char *demux_var = NULL;
assert( access_name != NULL );
assert( demux_name != NULL );
assert( path != NULL );
if( demux_name[0] == '\0' )
/* special hack for forcing a demuxer with --demux=module
* (and do nothing with a list) */
demux_var = var_InheritString( obj, "demux" );
if( demux_var != NULL )
demux_name = demux_var;
msg_Dbg( obj, "specified demux: %s", demux_name );
demux_name = "any";
demux_t *demux = NULL;
if( quick )
if( strcasecmp( demux_name, "any" ) )
goto out;
msg_Dbg( obj, "preparsing %s://%s", access_name, path );
else /* Try access_demux first */
demux = demux_NewAdvanced( obj, input, access_name, demux_name, path,
NULL, out, false );
if( demux == NULL )
{ /* Then try a real access,stream,demux chain */
/* Create the stream_t */
stream_t *stream = NULL;
char *url;
if( likely(asprintf( &url, "%s://%s", access_name, path) >= 0) )
stream = stream_AccessNew( obj, input, url );
free( url );
if( stream == NULL )
msg_Err( obj, "cannot access %s://%s", access_name, path );
goto out;
/* Add stream filters */
stream = stream_FilterAutoNew( stream );
char *filters = var_InheritString( obj, "stream-filter" );
if( filters != NULL )
stream = stream_FilterChainNew( stream, filters );
free( filters );
if( var_InheritBool( obj, "input-record-native" ) )
stream = stream_FilterChainNew( stream, "record" );
/* FIXME: Hysterical raisins. Access is not updated according to any
* redirect but path is. This does not make much sense. Probably the
* URL should be passed as a whole and demux_t.psz_access removed. */
if( stream->psz_url != NULL )
path = strstr( stream->psz_url, "://" );
if( path != NULL )
path += 3;
demux = demux_NewAdvanced( obj, input, access_name, demux_name, path,
stream, out, quick );
if( demux == NULL )
msg_Err( obj, "cannot parse %s://%s", access_name, path );
stream_Delete( stream );
free( demux_var );
return demux;
* demux_Delete:
......@@ -35,4 +35,8 @@ demux_t *demux_NewAdvanced( vlc_object_t *p_obj, input_thread_t *p_parent_input,
const char *psz_access, const char *psz_demux,
const char *psz_path, stream_t *s, es_out_t *out, bool );
#define demux_NewAdvanced( a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h ) demux_NewAdvanced(VLC_OBJECT(a),b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
demux_t *input_DemuxNew( vlc_object_t *, const char *access, const char *demux,
const char *path, es_out_t *out, bool quick,
input_thread_t * );
......@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
#include <limits.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
......@@ -42,7 +41,6 @@
#include "es_out.h"
#include "es_out_timeshift.h"
#include "demux.h"
#include "stream.h"
#include "item.h"
#include "resource.h"
......@@ -2123,168 +2121,94 @@ static int InputSourceInit( input_thread_t *p_input,
const char *psz_forced_demux, bool b_in_can_fail )
const char *psz_access, *psz_demux, *psz_path, *psz_anchor = NULL;
char *psz_var_demux = NULL;
double f_fps;
assert( psz_mrl );
char *psz_dup = strdup( psz_mrl );
if( psz_dup == NULL )
goto error;
return VLC_ENOMEM;
/* Split uri */
input_SplitMRL( &psz_access, &psz_demux, &psz_path, &psz_anchor, psz_dup );
if( psz_forced_demux != NULL )
psz_demux = psz_forced_demux;
msg_Dbg( p_input, "`%s' gives access `%s' demux `%s' path `%s'",
psz_mrl, psz_access, psz_demux, psz_path );
if( !p_input->b_preparsing )
/* Find optional titles and seekpoints */
MRLSections( psz_anchor, &in->i_title_start, &in->i_title_end,
&in->i_seekpoint_start, &in->i_seekpoint_end );
if( psz_forced_demux && *psz_forced_demux )
psz_demux = psz_forced_demux;
else if( *psz_demux == '\0' )
/* special hack for forcing a demuxer with --demux=module
* (and do nothing with a list) */
psz_var_demux = var_GetNonEmptyString( p_input, "demux" );
psz_demux = (psz_var_demux != NULL) ? psz_var_demux : "any";
msg_Dbg( p_input, "specified demux `%s'", psz_demux );
/* Try access_demux first */
in->p_demux = demux_NewAdvanced( p_input, p_input, psz_access, psz_demux,
psz_path, NULL, p_input->p->p_es_out, false );
if( *psz_demux )
goto error;
msg_Dbg( p_input, "trying to pre-parse %s", psz_path );
if( in->p_demux )
{ /* Now try a real access */
if( &p_input->p->input == in )
{ /* On master stream only, use input-list */
char *str = var_InheritString( p_input, "input-list" );
if( str != NULL )
char *list;
var_Create( p_input, "concat-list", VLC_VAR_STRING );
if( likely(asprintf( &list, "%s://%s,%s", psz_access, psz_path,
str ) >= 0) )
var_SetString( p_input, "concat-list", list );
free( list );
free( str );
psz_access = "concat";
/* Find optional titles and seekpoints */
MRLSections( psz_anchor, &in->i_title_start, &in->i_title_end,
&in->i_seekpoint_start, &in->i_seekpoint_end );
if( strcasecmp( psz_access, "concat" ) )
{ /* Autodetect extra files if none specified */
int count;
char **tab;
if( &p_input->p->input == in )
{ /* On master stream only, use input-list */
char *str = var_InheritString( p_input, "input-list" );
if( str != NULL )
char *list;
TAB_INIT( count, tab );
InputGetExtraFiles( p_input, &count, &tab, psz_access, psz_path );
if( count > 0 )
var_Create( p_input, "concat-list", VLC_VAR_STRING );
if( likely(asprintf( &list, "%s://%s,%s", psz_access, psz_path,
str ) >= 0) )
char *list = NULL;
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
char *str;
if( asprintf( &str, "%s,%s", list ? list : psz_mrl,
tab[i] ) < 0 )
free( tab[i] );
free( list );
list = str;
var_Create( p_input, "concat-list", VLC_VAR_STRING );
if( likely(list != NULL) )
var_SetString( p_input, "concat-list", list );
free( list );
psz_access = "concat";
var_SetString( p_input, "concat-list", list );
free( list );
TAB_CLEAN( count, tab );
/* Create the stream_t */
stream_t *p_stream = NULL;
char *url;
if( likely(asprintf( &url, "%s://%s", psz_access, psz_path) >= 0) )
p_stream = stream_AccessNew( VLC_OBJECT(p_input), p_input, url );
free( url );
if( p_stream == NULL )
msg_Err( p_input, "open of `%s' failed", psz_mrl );
if( !b_in_can_fail && !input_Stopped( p_input ) )
dialog_Fatal( p_input, _("Your input can't be opened"),
_("VLC is unable to open the MRL '%s'."
" Check the log for details."), psz_mrl );
goto error;
free( str );
psz_access = "concat";
/* Add stream filters */
p_stream = stream_FilterAutoNew( p_stream );
if( strcasecmp( psz_access, "concat" ) )
{ /* Autodetect extra files if none specified */
int count;
char **tab;
char *filters = var_GetNonEmptyString( p_input, "stream-filter" );
if( filters != NULL )
TAB_INIT( count, tab );
InputGetExtraFiles( p_input, &count, &tab, psz_access, psz_path );
if( count > 0 )
p_stream = stream_FilterChainNew( p_stream, filters );
free( filters );
char *list = NULL;
if( var_GetBool( p_input, "input-record-native" ) )
p_stream = stream_FilterChainNew( p_stream, "record" );
if( p_stream->psz_url != NULL )
/* Take access/stream redirections into account: */
psz_path = strstr( p_stream->psz_url, "://" );
if( psz_path == NULL )
psz_path = "";
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
char *str;
if( asprintf( &str, "%s,%s", list ? list : psz_mrl,
tab[i] ) < 0 )
in->p_demux = demux_NewAdvanced( p_input, p_input, psz_access, psz_demux,
psz_path, p_stream, p_input->p->p_es_out,
p_input->b_preparsing );
free( tab[i] );
free( list );
list = str;
if( in->p_demux == NULL )
msg_Err( p_input, "no suitable demux module for `%s/%s://%s'",
psz_access, psz_demux, psz_path );
if( !b_in_can_fail && !input_Stopped( p_input ) )
dialog_Fatal( VLC_OBJECT( p_input ),
_("VLC can't recognize the input's format"),
_("The format of '%s' cannot be detected. "
"Have a look at the log for details."),
psz_mrl );
stream_Delete( p_stream );
goto error;
var_Create( p_input, "concat-list", VLC_VAR_STRING );
if( likely(list != NULL) )
var_SetString( p_input, "concat-list", list );
free( list );
psz_access = "concat";
assert( in->p_demux->pf_demux != NULL );
TAB_CLEAN( count, tab );
free( psz_var_demux );
in->p_demux = input_DemuxNew( VLC_OBJECT(p_input), psz_access, psz_demux,
psz_path, p_input->p->p_es_out,
p_input->b_preparsing, p_input );
free( psz_dup );
if( in->p_demux == NULL )
if( !b_in_can_fail && !input_Stopped( p_input ) )
dialog_Fatal( p_input, _("Your input can't be opened"),
_("VLC is unable to open the MRL '%s'."
" Check the log for details."), psz_mrl );
/* Get infos from (access_)demux */
bool b_can_seek;
if( demux_Control( in->p_demux, DEMUX_CAN_SEEK, &b_can_seek ) )
......@@ -2381,15 +2305,6 @@ static int InputSourceInit( input_thread_t *p_input,
in->b_can_pace_control = !var_GetInteger( p_input, "clock-synchro" );
if( in->p_demux )
demux_Delete( in->p_demux );
free( psz_var_demux );
free( psz_dup );
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