Commit e9577415 authored by Olivier Teulière's avatar Olivier Teulière

* New icons for the toolbar buttons

 * URL can now start with "http://" in the Network dialog box
 * Updated the About dialog box
parent 95179314
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ object AboutDlg: TAboutDlg
Top = 281
BorderStyle = bsDialog
Caption = 'About'
ClientHeight = 204
ClientHeight = 214
ClientWidth = 286
Color = clBtnFace
......@@ -267,12 +267,13 @@ object AboutDlg: TAboutDlg
object Label4: TLabel
Left = 15
Top = 115
Width = 255
Top = 123
Width = 253
Height = 39
Caption =
'This is the VideoLAN Client, a DVD and MPEG player. It can play ' +
'MPEG and MPEG 2 files from a file or from a network source.'
'This is the VideoLAN Client, a DVD, MPEG and DivX player. It can' +
' play MPEG and MPEG 2 files from a file or from a network source' +
WordWrap = True
object Label3: TLabel
......@@ -288,9 +289,16 @@ object AboutDlg: TAboutDlg
Width = 49
Height = 49
object Label5: TLabel
Left = 82
Top = 96
Width = 121
Height = 13
Caption = ''
object BitBtnOk: TBitBtn
Left = 64
Top = 170
Top = 178
Width = 145
Height = 25
Caption = 'OK'
......@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ __published: // IDE-managed Components
TBitBtn *BitBtnOk;
TLabel *Label3;
TImage *Image1;
TLabel *Label5;
private: // User declarations
public: // User declarations
__fastcall TAboutDlg( TComponent* Owner );
......@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ extern struct intf_thread_s *p_intfGlobal;
__fastcall TDiscDlg::TDiscDlg( TComponent* Owner )
: TForm( Owner )
/* Simulate a click to get the correct device name */
RadioGroupTypeClick( RadioGroupType );
......@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
<RESDEPEN value="$(RESFILES) mainframe.dfm network.dfm playlist.dfm preferences.dfm
about.dfm disc.dfm messages.dfm"/>
<LIBFILES value=""/>
<LIBRARIES value="VCL50.lib"/>
<SPARELIBS value="VCL50.lib"/>
<LIBRARIES value="VCLX50.lib bcbsmp50.lib VCL50.lib"/>
<SPARELIBS value="VCL50.lib bcbsmp50.lib VCLX50.lib"/>
<PACKAGES value="VCL50.bpi VCLX50.bpi bcbsmp50.bpi QRPT50.bpi VCLDB50.bpi VCLBDE50.bpi
ibsmp50.bpi VCLDBX50.bpi TEEUI50.bpi TEEDB50.bpi TEE50.bpi TEEQR50.bpi
VCLIB50.bpi bcbie50.bpi VCLIE50.bpi INETDB50.bpi INET50.bpi NMFAST50.bpi"/>
......@@ -107,4 +107,4 @@ ActiveLang=
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -185,6 +185,11 @@ void __fastcall TMainFrameDlg::MenuExitClick( TObject *Sender )
void __fastcall TMainFrameDlg::MenuHideinterfaceClick( TObject *Sender )
void __fastcall TMainFrameDlg::MenuFullscreenClick( TObject *Sender )
if( p_vout_bank->i_count )
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ __published: // IDE-managed Components
TMenuItem *PopupClose;
TMenuItem *N9;
TCSpinEdit *SpinEditChannel;
TToolButton *ToolButton1;
void __fastcall TimerManageTimer( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall TrackBarChange( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall FormClose( TObject *Sender, TCloseAction &Action );
......@@ -142,6 +143,7 @@ __published: // IDE-managed Components
void __fastcall MenuOpenDiscClick( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall MenuNetworkStreamClick( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall MenuExitClick( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall MenuHideinterfaceClick( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall MenuFullscreenClick( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall MenuPlaylistClick( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall MenuMessagesClick( TObject *Sender );
......@@ -160,8 +160,15 @@ void __fastcall TNetworkDlg::BitBtnOkClick( TObject *Sender )
config_PutIntVariable( "network-channel", FALSE );
Address = EditHTTPURL->Text;
/* Build source name */
Source = "http:" + Address;
/* Build source name with a basic test */
if( Address.SubString( 1, 4 ) == "http" )
Source = Address;
Source = "http://" + Address;
intf_PlaylistAdd( p_main->p_playlist, PLAYLIST_END, Source.c_str() );
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