Commit dc185ad0 authored by Jean-Philippe Andre's avatar Jean-Philippe Andre

Qt: fix #2619 (prev/next/stop never greyed)

Don't mix booleans and strings (as non empty strings evaluate to true).
parent c7325f2f
......@@ -64,6 +64,9 @@
Just before one of those menus are aboutToShow(), they are rebuild.
#define STATIC_ENTRY "__static__"
#define ENTRY_ALWAYS_ENABLED "__ignore__"
......@@ -102,7 +105,7 @@ void addDPStaticEntry( QMenu *menu,
action = menu->addAction( text, THEDP, member );
action->setData( true );
action->setData( STATIC_ENTRY );
......@@ -112,7 +115,8 @@ void addMIMStaticEntry( intf_thread_t *p_intf,
QMenu *menu,
const QString text,
const char *icon,
const char *member )
const char *member,
bool bStatic = false )
QAction *action;
if( strlen( icon ) > 0 )
......@@ -124,7 +128,7 @@ void addMIMStaticEntry( intf_thread_t *p_intf,
action = menu->addAction( text, THEMIM, member );
action->setData( "ignore" );
action->setData( bStatic ? STATIC_ENTRY : ENTRY_ALWAYS_ENABLED );
......@@ -138,9 +142,10 @@ void EnableStaticEntries( QMenu *menu, bool enable = true )
QList< QAction* > actions = menu->actions();
for( int i = 0; i < actions.size(); ++i )
actions[i]->setEnabled( actions[i]->data().toString() == "ignore" ||
/* Be careful here, because data("string").toBool is true */
( enable && (actions[i]->data().toString() == "true" ) ) );
actions[i]->setEnabled( actions[i]->data().toString()
/* Be careful here, because data("string").toBool is true */
( enable && (actions[i]->data().toString() == STATIC_ENTRY ) ) );
......@@ -156,7 +161,7 @@ int DeleteNonStaticEntries( QMenu *menu )
QList< QAction* > actions = menu->actions();
for( int i = 0; i < actions.size(); ++i )
if( !actions[i]->data().toBool() )
if( actions[i]->data().toString() != STATIC_ENTRY )
delete actions[i];
......@@ -496,13 +501,13 @@ QMenu *QVLCMenu::AudioMenu( intf_thread_t *p_intf, QMenu * current )
QAction *action = current->addAction( qtr( "Increase Volume" ),
ActionsManager::getInstance( p_intf ), SLOT( AudioUp() ) );
action->setData( true );
action->setData( STATIC_ENTRY );
action = current->addAction( qtr( "Decrease Volume" ),
ActionsManager::getInstance( p_intf ), SLOT( AudioDown() ) );
action->setData( true );
action->setData( STATIC_ENTRY );
action = current->addAction( qtr( "Mute" ),
ActionsManager::getInstance( p_intf ), SLOT( toggleMuteAudio() ) );
action->setData( true );
action->setData( STATIC_ENTRY );
p_input = THEMIM->getInput();
......@@ -737,36 +742,36 @@ void QVLCMenu::PopupMenuControlEntries( QMenu *menu, intf_thread_t *p_intf )
action = menu->addAction( qtr( "&Faster" ), THEMIM->getIM(),
SLOT( faster() ) );
action->setIcon( QIcon( ":/faster") );
action->setData( true );
action->setData( STATIC_ENTRY );
action = menu->addAction( qtr( "Faster (fine)" ), THEMIM->getIM(),
SLOT( littlefaster() ) );
action->setData( true );
action->setData( STATIC_ENTRY );
action = menu->addAction( qtr( "N&ormal Speed" ), THEMIM->getIM(),
SLOT( normalRate() ) );
action->setData( true );
action->setData( STATIC_ENTRY );
action = menu->addAction( qtr( "Slower (fine)" ), THEMIM->getIM(),
SLOT( littleslower() ) );
action->setData( true );
action->setData( STATIC_ENTRY );
action = menu->addAction( qtr( "Slo&wer" ), THEMIM->getIM(),
SLOT( slower() ) );
action->setIcon( QIcon( ":/slower") );
action->setData( true );
action->setData( STATIC_ENTRY );
action = menu->addAction( qtr( "&Jump Forward" ), THEMIM->getIM(),
SLOT( jumpFwd() ) );
action->setIcon( QIcon( ":/skip_fw") );
action->setData( true );
action->setData( STATIC_ENTRY );
action = menu->addAction( qtr( "Jump Bac&kward" ), THEMIM->getIM(),
SLOT( jumpBwd() ) );
action->setIcon( QIcon( ":/skip_back") );
action->setData( true );
action->setData( STATIC_ENTRY );
addDPStaticEntry( menu, qtr( I_MENU_GOTOTIME ),"",
SLOT( gotoTimeDialog() ), "Ctrl+T" );
......@@ -776,13 +781,15 @@ void QVLCMenu::PopupMenuControlEntries( QMenu *menu, intf_thread_t *p_intf )
void QVLCMenu::PopupMenuPlaylistControlEntries( QMenu *menu,
intf_thread_t *p_intf )
addMIMStaticEntry( p_intf, menu, qtr( "&Stop" ), ":/stop", SLOT( stop() ) );
addMIMStaticEntry( p_intf, menu, qtr( "&Stop" ), ":/stop", SLOT( stop() ),
true );
/* Next / Previous */
bool bEnable = THEMIM->getInput() != NULL;
addMIMStaticEntry( p_intf, menu, qtr( "Pre&vious" ),
":/previous", SLOT( prev() ) );
":/previous", SLOT( prev() ), true );
addMIMStaticEntry( p_intf, menu, qtr( "Ne&xt" ),
":/next", SLOT( next() ) );
":/next", SLOT( next() ), true );
......@@ -965,12 +972,12 @@ void QVLCMenu::PopupMenu( intf_thread_t *p_intf, bool show )
objects.push_back( p_object );
varnames.push_back( "intf-skins" );
Populate( p_intf, submenu, varnames, objects );
objects.clear(); varnames.clear();
objects.push_back( p_object );
varnames.push_back( "intf-skins-interactive" );
Populate( p_intf, submenu, varnames, objects );
vlc_object_release( p_object );
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