Commit d2384cd9 authored by Felix Paul Kühne's avatar Felix Paul Kühne

macosx: retain currently selected playlist table row on item removal (close #9541)

parent 69c5aed9
......@@ -550,6 +550,8 @@
[[[[VLCMain sharedInstance] wizard] playlistWizard] reloadOutlineView];
[[[[VLCMain sharedInstance] bookmarks] dataTable] reloadData];
[o_outline_view selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:retainedRowSelection] byExtendingSelection:NO];
[self outlineViewSelectionDidChange: nil];
[[VLCMain sharedInstance] updateMainWindow];
......@@ -892,6 +894,7 @@
o_selected_indexes = [o_outline_view selectedRowIndexes];
i_count = [o_selected_indexes count];
retainedRowSelection = [o_selected_indexes firstIndex];
p_playlist = pl_Get(p_intf);
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