Commit b4c9724a authored by Felix Paul Kühne's avatar Felix Paul Kühne

* removed some dead code and corrected some minor stuff from the previous...

* removed some dead code and corrected some minor stuff from the previous commits. Thanks for the fixes, Pierre!
parent b216a623
......@@ -160,60 +160,9 @@ static VLCsFilters *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
[o_marq_color_pop selectItemAtIndex:0];
[o_time_color_pop selectItemAtIndex:0];
/* define the relative positions and copy them to the menues
* we can destroy the array afterwards, because we are saving the ints
* as tags to the menu-items */
/*NSArray * o_cnt_cnt;
NSArray * o_lft_cnt;
NSArray * o_rht_cnt;
NSArray * o_cnt_top;
NSArray * o_lft_top;
NSArray * o_rht_top;
NSArray * o_cnt_btm;
NSArray * o_lft_btm;
NSArray * o_rht_btm;
NSArray * o_positions;
o_cnt_cnt = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: _NS("Center-Center"), @"0", nil];
o_lft_cnt = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: _NS("Left-Center"), @"1", nil];
o_rht_cnt = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: _NS("Right-Center"), @"2", nil];
o_cnt_top = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: _NS("Center-Top"), @"4", nil];
o_lft_top = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: _NS("Left-Top"), @"5", nil];
o_rht_top = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: _NS("Right-Top"), @"6", nil];
o_cnt_btm = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: _NS("Center-Bottom"), @"8", nil];
o_lft_btm = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: _NS("Left-Bottom"), @"9", nil];
o_rht_btm = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: _NS("Right-Bottom"), @"10", nil];
o_positions = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: o_cnt_cnt, o_lft_cnt,
o_rht_cnt, o_cnt_top, o_lft_top, o_rht_top, o_cnt_btm, o_lft_btm,
o_rht_btm, nil];
x = 0;
[o_time_pos_rel_pop removeAllItems];
[o_marq_pos_rel_pop removeAllItems];
[o_logo_pos_rel_pop removeAllItems];
* we are adding a tag here, so we can easily select an item later on *
while ( x != [o_positions count] )
[o_time_pos_rel_pop addItemWithTitle: [[o_positions objectAtIndex:x]
[[o_time_pos_rel_pop lastItem] setTag: [[[o_positions objectAtIndex:x]
objectAtIndex:1] intValue]];
[o_marq_pos_rel_pop addItemWithTitle: [[o_positions objectAtIndex:x]
[[o_marq_pos_rel_pop lastItem] setTag: [[[o_positions objectAtIndex:x]
objectAtIndex:1] intValue]];
[o_logo_pos_rel_pop addItemWithTitle: [[o_positions objectAtIndex:x]
[[o_logo_pos_rel_pop lastItem] setTag: [[[o_positions objectAtIndex:x]
objectAtIndex:1] intValue]];
x = (x + 1);
[o_positions release];*/
NSArray * o_sizes;
o_sizes = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: @"6", @"8", @"10", @"11", @"12",\
@"14", @"13", @"16", @"18", @"24", @"36", @"48", @"64", @"72", @"96",
@"13", @"14", @"16", @"18", @"24", @"36", @"48", @"64", @"72", @"96",
@"144", @"288", nil];
[o_marq_size_pop removeAllItems];
[o_marq_size_pop addItemsWithTitles: o_sizes];
......@@ -250,7 +199,7 @@ static VLCsFilters *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
if( psz_temp = config_GetPsz( p_intf, "time-format" ) )
[o_marq_marq_fld setStringValue: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: psz_temp]];
[o_marq_marq_fld setStringValue: _NS(@"Not Available")];
[o_marq_marq_fld setStringValue: _NS("Not Available")];
[o_marq_opaque_sld setIntValue: config_GetInt( p_intf, "marq-opacity")];
[o_marq_pos_radio selectCellWithTag: config_GetInt( p_intf, "marq-position" )];
......@@ -281,7 +230,7 @@ static VLCsFilters *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
if( psz_temp = config_GetPsz( p_intf, "time-format" ) )
[o_time_stamp_fld setStringValue: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: psz_temp]];
[o_time_stamp_fld setStringValue: _NS(@"Not Available")];
[o_time_stamp_fld setStringValue: _NS("Not Available")];
[o_time_opaque_sld setIntValue: config_GetInt( p_intf, "time-opacity")];
/* FIXME: the following line doesn't work with "-1", which is the default
......@@ -510,7 +459,7 @@ static VLCsFilters *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
else if ( sender == o_logo_image_fld )
val.psz_string = [[o_logo_image_fld stringValue] cString];
val.psz_string = (char *)[[o_logo_image_fld stringValue] UTF8String];
if( p_input )
var_Set( p_input->p_libvlc_global, "logo-file", val );
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