Commit b3a201c3 authored by Ilkka Ollakka's avatar Ilkka Ollakka

Qt4: speedup pictureflow rendering littlebit by using scanline and qtransform...

Qt4: speedup pictureflow rendering littlebit by using scanline and qtransform instead of doing those by hand
parent b520bf12
......@@ -509,24 +509,33 @@ static QImage* prepareSurface(const QImage* slideImage, int w, int h, QRgb bgcol
// offscreen buffer: black is sweet
QImage* result = new QImage(hs, w, QImage::Format_RGB32);
QPainter imagePainter( result );
QTransform rotation;
// transpose the image, this is to speed-up the rendering
// because we process one column at a time
// (and much better and faster to work row-wise, i.e in one scanline)
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
result->setPixel(hofs + y, x, img.pixel(x, y));
imagePainter.drawImage( hofs+h, 0, result->transformed( rotation ) );
if (reflectionEffect != PictureFlow::NoReflection) {
// create the reflection
int ht = hs - h - hofs;
int hte = ht;
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
QRgb *line = (QRgb*)(result->scanLine( x ));
for (int y = 0; y < ht; y++) {
QRgb color = img.pixel(x, img.height() - y - 1);
result->setPixel(h + hofs + y, x, blendColor(color, bgcolor, 128*(hte - y) / hte));
line[h+hofs+y] = blendColor( color, bgcolor, 128*(hte-y)/hte );
//result->setPixel(h + hofs + y, x, blendColor(color, bgcolor, 128*(hte - y) / hte));
if (reflectionEffect == PictureFlow::BlurredReflection) {
// blur the reflection everything first
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