Commit b20a12f3 authored by Felix Paul Kühne's avatar Felix Paul Kühne

macosx: implemented the input-slave option for file inputs

parent d49e4eb5
......@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ NSArray *GetEjectableMediaOfClass( const char *psz_class );
IBOutlet id o_btn_ok;
IBOutlet id o_btn_cancel;
/* bottom-line items */
IBOutlet id o_output_ckbox;
IBOutlet id o_sout_options;
......@@ -51,6 +52,9 @@ NSArray *GetEjectableMediaOfClass( const char *psz_class );
IBOutlet id o_file_path;
IBOutlet id o_file_btn_browse;
IBOutlet id o_file_stream;
IBOutlet id o_file_slave_ckbox;
IBOutlet id o_file_slave_select_btn;
IBOutlet id o_file_slave_filename_txt;
/* open disc */
IBOutlet id o_disc_type;
......@@ -157,6 +161,7 @@ NSArray *GetEjectableMediaOfClass( const char *psz_class );
BOOL b_autoplay;
id o_currentCaptureView;
NSString *o_file_slave_path;
intf_thread_t * p_intf;
......@@ -167,6 +172,7 @@ NSArray *GetEjectableMediaOfClass( const char *psz_class );
- (void)tabView:(NSTabView *)o_tv didSelectTabViewItem:(NSTabViewItem *)o_tvi;
- (void)textFieldWasClicked:(NSNotification *)o_notification;
- (IBAction)expandMRLfieldAction:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)inputSlaveAction:(id)sender;
- (void)openFileGeneric;
- (void)openFilePathChanged:(NSNotification *)o_notification;
......@@ -160,6 +160,13 @@ static VLCOpen *_o_sharedMainInstance = nil;
return _o_sharedMainInstance;
- (void)dealloc
if( o_file_slave_path )
[o_file_slave_path release];
[super dealloc];
- (void)awakeFromNib
[o_panel setTitle: _NS("Open Source")];
......@@ -175,6 +182,9 @@ static VLCOpen *_o_sharedMainInstance = nil;
[o_file_btn_browse setTitle: _NS("Browse...")];
[o_file_stream setTitle: _NS("Treat as a pipe rather than as a file")];
[o_file_slave_ckbox setTitle: _NS("Play another media synchronously")];
[o_file_slave_select_btn setTitle: _NS("Choose...")];
[o_file_slave_filename_txt setStringValue: @""];
[o_disc_device_lbl setStringValue: _NS("Device name")];
[o_disc_title_lbl setStringValue: _NS("Title")];
......@@ -409,6 +419,8 @@ static VLCOpen *_o_sharedMainInstance = nil;
[[(VLCOutput *)o_sout_options mrl] objectAtIndex: i]]];
if( [o_file_slave_ckbox state] && o_file_slave_path )
[o_options addObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"input-slave=%@", o_file_slave_path]];
if( [[[o_tabview selectedTabViewItem] label] isEqualToString: _NS("Capture")] )
if( [[[o_capture_mode_pop selectedItem] title] isEqualToString: _NS("Screen")] )
......@@ -486,6 +498,34 @@ static VLCOpen *_o_sharedMainInstance = nil;
[o_panel displayIfNeeded];
- (IBAction)inputSlaveAction:(id)sender
if( sender == o_file_slave_ckbox )
[o_file_slave_select_btn setEnabled: [o_file_slave_ckbox state]];
[o_file_slave_filename_txt setStringValue: @""];
NSOpenPanel *o_open_panel;
o_open_panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
[o_open_panel setCanChooseFiles: YES];
[o_open_panel setCanChooseDirectories: NO];
if( [o_open_panel runModalForDirectory: nil file: nil types: nil] == NSOKButton )
if( o_file_slave_path )
[o_file_slave_path release];
o_file_slave_path = [[o_open_panel filenames] objectAtIndex: 0];
[o_file_slave_path retain];
NSFileWrapper *o_file_wrapper;
o_file_wrapper = [[NSFileWrapper alloc] initWithPath: [[o_open_panel filenames] objectAtIndex: 0]];
[o_file_slave_filename_txt setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"\"%@\"", [o_file_wrapper preferredFilename]]];
[o_file_slave_filename_txt setStringValue: @""];
- (void)openFileGeneric
[self openFilePathChanged: nil];
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