Commit b1c3b3ba authored by Felix Paul Kühne's avatar Felix Paul Kühne

contribs: fixed TOOLS creation order for Mac

parent 5b87e917
# Darwin rules
TOOLS = .libtool .intl .pkgcfg .yasm .automake
TOOLS = .autoconf .automake .libtool .intl .pkgcfg .yasm
all: .freetype \
.fribidi .a52 .mpeg2 .mad .ogg .vorbis .vorbisenc .theora \
# Darwin rules
TOOLS = .libtool .intl .pkgcfg .yasm .automake
TOOLS = .autoconf .automake .libtool .intl .pkgcfg .yasm
all: .freetype \
.fribidi .a52 .mpeg2 .mad .ogg .vorbis .vorbisenc .fluid .theora \
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