Commit aac1f4c6 authored by Jean-Baptiste Kempf's avatar Jean-Baptiste Kempf

Qt4 - Better behaviour for the left panel of the playlist.

parent 80f513e4
......@@ -42,8 +42,10 @@
* Playlist Widget. The embedded playlist
PlaylistWidget::PlaylistWidget( intf_thread_t *_p_i, QSettings *settings, QWidget *_parent ) :
p_intf ( _p_i ), parent( _parent )
PlaylistWidget::PlaylistWidget( intf_thread_t *_p_i,
QSettings *settings,
QWidget *_parent )
: p_intf ( _p_i ), parent( _parent )
/* Left Part and design */
QSplitter *leftW = new QSplitter( Qt::Vertical, this );
......@@ -52,8 +54,13 @@ PlaylistWidget::PlaylistWidget( intf_thread_t *_p_i, QSettings *settings, QWidge
selector = new PLSelector( this, p_intf, THEPL );
leftW->addWidget( selector );
/* Create a Container for the Art Label
in order to have a beautiful resizing for the selector above it */
QWidget *artContainer = new QWidget;
QHBoxLayout *artContLay = new QHBoxLayout( artContainer );
artContLay->setMargin( 0 );
artContLay->setSpacing( 0 );
artContainer->setMaximumHeight( 128 );
/* Art label */
art = new ArtLabel;
......@@ -64,6 +71,7 @@ PlaylistWidget::PlaylistWidget( intf_thread_t *_p_i, QSettings *settings, QWidge
art->setScaledContents( true );
art->setPixmap( QPixmap( ":/noart.png" ) );
art->setToolTip( qtr( "Double click to get the media informations" ) );
artContLay->addWidget( art, 1 );
leftW->addWidget( artContainer );
......@@ -83,7 +91,6 @@ PlaylistWidget::PlaylistWidget( intf_thread_t *_p_i, QSettings *settings, QWidge
connect( selector, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ),
this, SIGNAL( rootChanged( int ) ) );
CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), artChanged( QString ) , this, setArt( QString ) );
/* Forward removal requests from the selector to the main panel */
CONNECT( qobject_cast<PLSelector *>( selector )->model,
shouldRemove( int ),
......@@ -91,6 +98,9 @@ PlaylistWidget::PlaylistWidget( intf_thread_t *_p_i, QSettings *settings, QWidge
emit rootChanged( p_root->i_id );
/* art */
CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), artChanged( QString ) , this, setArt( QString ) );
/* Add the two sides of the QSplitter */
addWidget( leftW );
addWidget( rightPanel );
......@@ -98,7 +108,7 @@ PlaylistWidget::PlaylistWidget( intf_thread_t *_p_i, QSettings *settings, QWidge
QList<int> sizeList;
sizeList << 180 << 420 ;
setSizes( sizeList );
setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
//setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
setStretchFactor( 0, 0 );
setStretchFactor( 1, 3 );
leftW->setMaximumWidth( 250 );
......@@ -114,7 +124,7 @@ PlaylistWidget::PlaylistWidget( intf_thread_t *_p_i, QSettings *settings, QWidge
void PlaylistWidget::setArt( QString url )
if( url.isNull() )
if( url.isEmpty() )
art->setPixmap( QPixmap( ":/noart.png" ) );
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include "components/playlist/selector.hpp"
#include "qt4.hpp"
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QHeaderView>
#include <QTreeView>
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