Commit a5be2f81 authored by Felix Paul Kühne's avatar Felix Paul Kühne

macosx/output: simplify header and implementation

parent b0df43f9
......@@ -482,10 +482,10 @@ static VLCOpen *_o_sharedMainInstance = nil;
[o_options addObject: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"stop-time=%li", tempValue]];
if( [o_output_ckbox state] == NSOnState )
NSUInteger count = [[o_sout_options mrl] count];
NSUInteger count = [[o_sout_options soutMRL] count];
for (NSUInteger i = 0 ; i < count ; i++)
[o_options addObject: [NSString stringWithString: [[(VLCOutput *)o_sout_options mrl] objectAtIndex: i]]];
[o_options addObject: [NSString stringWithString: [[(VLCOutput *)o_sout_options soutMRL] objectAtIndex: i]]];
if( [o_file_slave_ckbox state] && o_file_slave_path )
......@@ -82,9 +82,8 @@
NSArray *o_mrl;
NSString *o_transcode;
@property (readwrite, assign) NSArray * soutMRL;
- (void)setMRL:(NSArray *)o_mrl_string;
- (NSArray *)mrl;
- (void)setTranscode:(NSString *)o_transcode_string;
- (void)initStrings;
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
* VLCOutput implementation
@implementation VLCOutput
@synthesize soutMRL=o_mrl;
- (id)init
......@@ -53,17 +54,6 @@
[super dealloc];
- (void)setMRL:(NSArray *)o_mrl_array
[o_mrl autorelease];
o_mrl = [o_mrl_array copy];
- (NSArray *)mrl
return [o_mrl copy];
- (void)setTranscode:(NSString *)o_transcode_string
[o_transcode autorelease];
......@@ -377,7 +367,7 @@
[o_file_field stringValue]],
[self setMRL:o_sout_options];
[self setSoutMRL:o_sout_options];
......@@ -480,7 +470,7 @@
[o_mrl_string appendString: @"}"];
o_sout_options = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: o_mrl_string,nil];
[self setMRL:o_sout_options];
[self setSoutMRL:o_sout_options];
- (void)TTLChanged:(NSNotification *)o_notification
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