Commit a4b360f8 authored by Felix Paul Kühne's avatar Felix Paul Kühne

package/ios: removed the gas-preprocessor makro, which doesn't have anything to do here

parent 20c360ae
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# by David Conrad
# This code is licensed under GPLv2 or later; go to to read it
# (not that it much matters for an asm preprocessor)
# usage: set your assembler to be something like "perl gcc"
use strict;
# Apple's gas is ancient and doesn't support modern preprocessing features like
# .rept and has ugly macro syntax, among other things. Thus, this script
# implements the subset of the gas preprocessor used by x264 and ffmpeg
# that isn't supported by Apple's gas.
my @gcc_cmd = @ARGV;
my @preprocess_c_cmd;
if (grep /\.c$/, @gcc_cmd) {
# C file (inline asm?) - compile
@preprocess_c_cmd = (@gcc_cmd, "-S");
} elsif (grep /\.[sS]$/, @gcc_cmd) {
# asm file, just do C preprocessor
@preprocess_c_cmd = (@gcc_cmd, "-E");
} else {
die "Unrecognized input filetype";
@gcc_cmd = map { /\.[csS]$/ ? qw(-x assembler -) : $_ } @gcc_cmd;
@preprocess_c_cmd = map { /\.o$/ ? "-" : $_ } @preprocess_c_cmd;
open(ASMFILE, "-|", @preprocess_c_cmd) || die "Error running preprocessor";
my $current_macro = '';
my $macro_level = 0;
my %macro_lines;
my %macro_args;
my %macro_args_default;
my @pass1_lines;
# pass 1: parse .macro
# note that the handling of arguments is probably overly permissive vs. gas
# but it should be the same for valid cases
while (<ASMFILE>) {
# comment out unsupported directives
# the syntax for these is a little different
# also catch .section .rodata since the equivalent to .const_data is .section __DATA,__const
# catch unknown section names that aren't mach-o style (with a comma)
if (/.section ([^,]*)$/) {
die ".section $1 unsupported; figure out the mach-o section name and add it";
sub parse_line {
my $line = @_[0];
if (/\.macro/) {
if ($macro_level > 1 && !$current_macro) {
die "nested macros but we don't have master macro";
} elsif (/\.endm/) {
if ($macro_level < 0) {
die "unmatched .endm";
} elsif ($macro_level == 0) {
$current_macro = '';
if ($macro_level > 1) {
push(@{$macro_lines{$current_macro}}, $line);
} elsif ($macro_level == 0) {
} else {
if (/\.macro\s+([\d\w\.]+)\s*(.*)/) {
$current_macro = $1;
# commas in the argument list are optional, so only use whitespace as the separator
my $arglist = $2;
$arglist =~ s/,/ /g;
my @args = split(/\s+/, $arglist);
foreach my $i (0 .. $#args) {
my @argpair = split(/=/, $args[$i]);
$macro_args{$current_macro}[$i] = $argpair[0];
$argpair[0] =~ s/:vararg$//;
$macro_args_default{$current_macro}{$argpair[0]} = $argpair[1];
# ensure %macro_lines has the macro name added as a key
$macro_lines{$current_macro} = [];
} elsif ($current_macro) {
push(@{$macro_lines{$current_macro}}, $line);
} else {
die "macro level without a macro name";
sub expand_macros {
my $line = @_[0];
if (/\.purgem\s+([\d\w\.]+)/) {
delete $macro_lines{$1};
delete $macro_args{$1};
delete $macro_args_default{$1};
if ($line =~ /(\S+:|)\s*([\w\d\.]+)\s*(.*)/ && exists $macro_lines{$2}) {
push(@pass1_lines, $1);
my $macro = $2;
# commas are optional here too, but are syntactically important because
# parameters can be blank
my @arglist = split(/,/, $3);
my @args;
foreach (@arglist) {
my @whitespace_split = split(/\s+/, $_);
if (!@whitespace_split) {
push(@args, '');
} else {
foreach (@whitespace_split) {
if (length($_)) {
push(@args, $_);
my %replacements;
if ($macro_args_default{$macro}){
%replacements = %{$macro_args_default{$macro}};
# construct hashtable of text to replace
foreach my $i (0 .. $#args) {
my $argname = $macro_args{$macro}[$i];
if ($args[$i] =~ m/=/) {
# arg=val references the argument name
# XXX: I'm not sure what the expected behaviour if a lot of
# these are mixed with unnamed args
my @named_arg = split(/=/, $args[$i]);
$replacements{$named_arg[0]} = $named_arg[1];
} elsif ($i > $#{$macro_args{$macro}}) {
# more args given than the macro has named args
# XXX: is vararg allowed on arguments before the last?
$argname = $macro_args{$macro}[-1];
if ($argname =~ s/:vararg$//) {
$replacements{$argname} .= ", $args[$i]";
} else {
die "Too many arguments to macro $macro";
} else {
$argname =~ s/:vararg$//;
$replacements{$argname} = $args[$i];
# apply replacements as regex
foreach (@{$macro_lines{$macro}}) {
my $macro_line = $_;
# do replacements by longest first, this avoids wrong replacement
# when argument names are subsets of each other
foreach (reverse sort {length $a <=> length $b} keys %replacements) {
$macro_line =~ s/\\$_/$replacements{$_}/g;
$macro_line =~ s/\\\(\)//g; # remove \()
} else {
push(@pass1_lines, $line);
close(ASMFILE) or exit 1;
open(ASMFILE, "|-", @gcc_cmd) or die "Error running assembler";
my @sections;
my $num_repts;
my $rept_lines;
my %literal_labels; # for ldr <reg>, =<expr>
my $literal_num = 0;
# pass 2: parse .rept and .if variants
# NOTE: since we don't implement a proper parser, using .rept with a
# variable assigned from .set is not supported
foreach my $line (@pass1_lines) {
# textual comparison .if
# this assumes nothing else on the same line
if ($line =~ /\.ifnb\s+(.*)/) {
if ($1) {
$line = ".if 1\n";
} else {
$line = ".if 0\n";
} elsif ($line =~ /\.ifb\s+(.*)/) {
if ($1) {
$line = ".if 0\n";
} else {
$line = ".if 1\n";
} elsif ($line =~ /\.ifc\s+(.*)\s*,\s*(.*)/) {
if ($1 eq $2) {
$line = ".if 1\n";
} else {
$line = ".if 0\n";
# handle .previous (only with regard to .section not .subsection)
if ($line =~ /\.(section|text|const_data)/) {
push(@sections, $line);
} elsif ($line =~ /\.previous/) {
if (!$sections[-2]) {
die ".previous without a previous section";
$line = $sections[-2];
push(@sections, $line);
# handle ldr <reg>, =<expr>
if ($line =~ /(.*)\s*ldr([\w\s\d]+)\s*,\s*=(.*)/) {
my $label = $literal_labels{$3};
if (!$label) {
$label = ".Literal_$literal_num";
$literal_labels{$3} = $label;
$line = "$1 ldr$2, $label\n";
} elsif ($line =~ /\.ltorg/) {
foreach my $literal (keys %literal_labels) {
$line .= "$literal_labels{$literal}:\n .word $literal\n";
%literal_labels = ();
# @l -> lo16() @ha -> ha16()
$line =~ s/,\s+([^,]+)\@l(\s)/, lo16($1)$2/g;
$line =~ s/,\s+([^,]+)\@ha(\s)/, ha16($1)$2/g;
if ($line =~ /\.rept\s+(.*)/) {
$num_repts = $1;
$rept_lines = "\n";
# handle the possibility of repeating another directive on the same line
# .endr on the same line is not valid, I don't know if a non-directive is
if ($num_repts =~ s/(\.\w+.*)//) {
$rept_lines .= "$1\n";
$num_repts = eval($num_repts);
} elsif ($line =~ /\.endr/) {
for (1 .. $num_repts) {
print ASMFILE $rept_lines;
$rept_lines = '';
} elsif ($rept_lines) {
$rept_lines .= $line;
} else {
print ASMFILE $line;
print ASMFILE ".text\n";
foreach my $literal (keys %literal_labels) {
print ASMFILE "$literal_labels{$literal}:\n .word $literal\n";
close(ASMFILE) or exit 1;
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