Commit 9708e543 authored by Felix Paul Kühne's avatar Felix Paul Kühne

macosx/playlist: replaced deprecated API call

parent a549e879
......@@ -760,9 +760,9 @@
[o_save_panel setTitle: _NS("Save Playlist")];
[o_save_panel setPrompt: _NS("Save")];
[o_save_panel setAccessoryView: o_save_accessory_view];
[o_save_panel setNameFieldStringValue: o_name];
if( [o_save_panel runModalForDirectory: nil
file: o_name] == NSOKButton )
if( [o_save_panel runModal] == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton )
NSString *o_filename = [[o_save_panel URL] path];
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