Commit 7fd36323 authored by Clément Stenac's avatar Clément Stenac

WX Strings review by Steven Sheehy (Refs:#438)

parent fdb85a0d
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ END_EVENT_TABLE()
* Constructor.
FileInfo::FileInfo( intf_thread_t *_p_intf, wxWindow *p_parent ):
wxFrame( p_parent, -1, wxU(_("Stream and media info")), wxDefaultPosition,
wxFrame( p_parent, -1, wxU(_("Stream and Media Info")), wxDefaultPosition,
wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE )
p_intf = _p_intf;
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ void InteractionDialog::Render()
wxTextCtrl *errors ; // Special case
label = new wxStaticText( widgets_panel, -1,
wxU( _("The following errors happened. More details might be "
wxU( _("The following errors occurred. More details might be "
"available in the Messages window.") ) );
errors = new wxTextCtrl( widgets_panel, -1, wxT(""),
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
......@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ OpenDialog::OpenDialog( intf_thread_t *_p_intf, wxWindow *_p_parent,
/* Create Stream Output checkox */
sout_checkbox = new wxCheckBox( panel, SoutEnable_Event,
wxU(_("Stream/Save")) );
sout_checkbox->SetToolTip( wxU(_("Use VLC as a server of streams")) );
sout_checkbox->SetToolTip( wxU(_("Use VLC as a stream server")) );
common_opt_sizer->Add( sout_checkbox, 0,
......@@ -1667,7 +1667,7 @@ void OpenDialog::OnDiscTypeChange( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
disc_title->SetToolTip( wxU(_("Title number.")) );
disc_sub->SetToolTip( wxU(_(
"DVD's can have up to 32 subtitles numbered 0..31. "
"Note this is not the same thing as a subtitle name e.g. 'en'. "
"Note this is not the same thing as a subtitle name (e.g. 'en'). "
"If a value -1 is used, no subtitle will be shown." )) );
disc_audio->SetToolTip( wxU(_("Audio track number. "
"DVD's can have up to 8 audio tracks numbered 0..7."
......@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ Playlist::Playlist( intf_thread_t *_p_intf, wxWindow *p_parent ):
manage_menu->Append( AddDir_Event, wxU(_("Add &Directory...")) );
manage_menu->Append( AddMRL_Event, wxU(_("&Add URL...")) );
manage_menu->Append( MenuDummy_Event, wxU(_("Services discovery")),
manage_menu->Append( MenuDummy_Event, wxU(_("Services Discovery")),
p_sd_menu );
manage_menu->Append( Open_Event, wxU(_("&Open Playlist...")) );
......@@ -247,8 +247,8 @@ Playlist::Playlist( intf_thread_t *_p_intf, wxWindow *p_parent ):
/* Create our "Sort" menu */
wxMenu *sort_menu = new wxMenu;
sort_menu->Append( SortTitle_Event, wxU(_("Sort by &title")) );
sort_menu->Append( RSortTitle_Event, wxU(_("&Reverse sort by title")) );
sort_menu->Append( SortTitle_Event, wxU(_("Sort by &Title")) );
sort_menu->Append( RSortTitle_Event, wxU(_("&Reverse Sort by Title")) );
sort_menu->Append( Randomize_Event, wxU(_("&Shuffle")) );
......@@ -272,12 +272,12 @@ Playlist::Playlist( intf_thread_t *_p_intf, wxWindow *p_parent ):
/* Create the popup menu */
node_popup = new wxMenu;
node_popup->Append( PopupPlay_Event, wxU(_("Play")) );
node_popup->Append( PopupPlayThis_Event, wxU(_("Play this branch")) );
node_popup->Append( PopupPlayThis_Event, wxU(_("Play this Branch")) );
node_popup->Append( PopupPreparse_Event, wxU(_("Preparse")) );
node_popup->Append( PopupSort_Event, wxU(_("Sort this branch")) );
node_popup->Append( PopupSort_Event, wxU(_("Sort this Branch")) );
node_popup->Append( PopupDel_Event, wxU(_("Delete")) );
node_popup->Append( PopupInfo_Event, wxU(_("Info")) );
node_popup->Append( PopupAddNode_Event, wxU(_("Add node")) );
node_popup->Append( PopupAddNode_Event, wxU(_("Add Node")) );
item_popup = new wxMenu;
item_popup->Append( PopupPlay_Event, wxU(_("Play")) );
......@@ -1414,7 +1414,7 @@ wxMenu * Playlist::ViewMenu()
p_view_menu->Append( FirstView_Event + VIEW_CATEGORY,
wxU(_("Normal") ) );
p_view_menu->Append( FirstView_Event + VIEW_S_AUTHOR,
wxU(_("Sorted by artist") ) );
wxU(_("Sorted by Artist") ) );
p_view_menu->Append( FirstView_Event + VIEW_S_ALBUM,
wxU(_("Sorted by Album") ) );
......@@ -431,8 +431,8 @@ ModuleListCatConfigControl::ModuleListCatConfigControl( vlc_object_t *p_this,
sizer->Add(text, 0, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 5 );
sizer->Add (new wxStaticText( this, -1, wxU( vlc_wraptext( _("Select "
"which modules you want to use. To get more advanced control, you "
"can also modify the resulting \"chain\" by yourself") , 72 ) ) ) );
"the desired modules. For more advanced control, the "
"resulting \"chain\" can be modified.") , 72 ) ) ) );
this->SetSizerAndFit( sizer );
......@@ -171,9 +171,9 @@ SoutDialog::SoutDialog( intf_thread_t *_p_intf, wxWindow* _p_parent ):
mrl_combo = new wxComboBox( panel, MRL_Event, wxT(""),
wxPoint(20,25), wxSize(120, -1) );
mrl_combo->SetToolTip( wxU(_("You can use this field directly by typing "
"the full MRL you want to stream to.\n""Alternatively, the field will be "
"filled automatically when you use the controls below")) );
mrl_combo->SetToolTip( wxU(_("Specifies the MRL. This can be specified "
"directly or filled in automatically by adjusting the "
"stream settings.")) );
mrl_sizer->Add( mrl_label, 0, wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER, 5 );
mrl_sizer->Add( mrl_combo, 1, wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER, 5 );
......@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ void UpdateVLC::OnCheckForUpdate( wxCommandEvent& event )
main_sizer->Add( new wxStaticText( this, -1, wxU( _("\nAvailable "
"updates and related downloads\n"
"updates and related downloads.\n"
"(Double click on a file to download it)\n" ) ) ) );
main_sizer->Add( list );
SetSizerAndFit( main_sizer );
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ void VLMPanel::OnLoad( wxCommandEvent &event )
wxT("*"), wxOPEN | wxMULTIPLE );
if( p_file_dialog == NULL ) return;
p_file_dialog->SetTitle( wxU(_("Load configuration") ) );
p_file_dialog->SetTitle( wxU(_("Load Configuration") ) );
if( p_file_dialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
vlm_Load( p_vlm->GetVLM(), p_file_dialog->GetPath().mb_str() );
......@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ void VLMPanel::OnSave( wxCommandEvent &event )
wxT("*"), wxSAVE | wxOVERWRITE_PROMPT );
if( p_file_dialog == NULL ) return;
p_file_dialog->SetTitle( wxU(_("Save configuration") ) );
p_file_dialog->SetTitle( wxU(_("Save Configuration") ) );
if( p_file_dialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
vlm_Save( p_vlm->GetVLM(), p_file_dialog->GetPath().mb_str() );
......@@ -90,17 +90,17 @@ END_EVENT_TABLE()
#define HELLO_TRANSCODE _("Transcode/Save to file")
#define HELLO_TRANSCODE_DESC _("Use this to re-encode a stream and save it "\
"to a file.")
#define HELLO_NOTICE _("This wizard only gives access to a small subset " \
#define HELLO_NOTICE _("This wizard only contains a small subset " \
"of VLC's streaming and transcoding capabilities. Use the Open "\
"and Stream Output dialogs to get all of them.")
"and Stream Output dialogs to access all of them.")
#define MOREINFO_STREAM _("Use this to stream on a network")
#define MOREINFO_TRANSCODE _("Use this to save a stream to a file. You have "\
"the ability to reencode the stream. You can save whatever " \
"VLC can read.\nPlease notice that VLC is not very suited " \
"for file to file transcoding. You should use its transcoding " \
"features to save network streams, for example." )
#define MOREINFO_TRANSCODE _("Saves the stream to a file. The stream must " \
"be a format that VLC recognizes. If desired, the stream can also " \
"be transcoded to another format.\n\nPlease note that VLC is not very" \
" suited for file-to-file transcoding. Its transcoding " \
"features are more appropriate for saving network streams." )
/* Input page */
#define INPUT_TITLE _("Input")
......@@ -110,58 +110,58 @@ END_EVENT_TABLE()
#define INPUT_PL _( "Existing playlist item" )
#define CHOOSE_STREAM _("You must choose a stream")
#define NO_PLAYLIST _("Uh Oh! Unable to find playlist !")
#define NO_PLAYLIST _("Unable to find playlist")
#define PARTIAL _("Use this to read only a part of the stream. " \
"You must be able to control the incoming stream " \
"To use, enter the starting and ending times (in seconds)." \
"\n\nNote: You must be able to control the incoming stream " \
"(for example, a file or a disc, but not a RTP/UDP " \
"network stream.)\n" \
"Enter the starting and ending times (in seconds).")
"network stream).\n" \
#define INPUT_BUTTON _("Choose")
/* Transcode 1 */
#define TRANSCODE1_TITLE _("Transcode")
#define TRANSCODE1_TEXT _("If you want to change the compression format " \
"of the audio or video tracks, fill in this page. " \
"(If you only want to change the container format, proceed to next " \
" page.)")
#define TRANSCODE1_TEXT _("Changes the compression format " \
"of the audio or video tracks. To change only the " \
"container format, proceed to the next page.")
#define TR_VIDEO_TEXT0 _("Transcode video (if your stream has some)" )
#define TR_VIDEO_TEXT _("Select the target video codec. Click one to get more " \
#define TR_VIDEO_TEXT0 _("Transcode video (if available)" )
#define TR_VIDEO_TEXT _("Select the target video codec. Choose a codec to " \
"display more information about it.")
#define TR_AUDIO_TEXT0 _("Transcode audio (if your stream has some)"
#define TR_AUDIO_TEXT _("Select the target audio codec. Click one to get more " \
#define TR_AUDIO_TEXT0 _("Transcode audio (if available)"
#define TR_AUDIO_TEXT _("Select the target audio codec. Choose a codec to " \
"display more information about it.")
/* Streaming 1 */
#define STREAMING1_TITLE _("Streaming")
#define STREAMING1_TEXT _("In this page, you will select how your input stream will be sent.")
#define STREAMING1_TEXT _("Determines how the input stream will be sent.")
#define INVALID_MCAST_ADDRESS _("This does not appear to be a valid " \
"multicast address" )
#define NO_ADDRESS_TEXT _("You need to enter an address" )
#define NO_ADDRESS_TEXT _("Please enter an address" )
/* Encap */
#define ENCAP_TITLE _("Encapsulation format")
#define ENCAP_TEXT _("In this page, you will select how the stream will be "\
"encapsulated. Depending on the choices you made, all "\
"formats won't be available." )
#define ENCAP_TEXT _("Determines how the stream will be encapsulated. " \
"Depending on the previous choices, some formats " \
"might not be available." )
/* Transcode 2 */
#define EXTRATRANSCODE_TITLE _("Additional transcode options")
#define EXTRATRANSCODE_TEXT _("In this page, you will define a few " \
"additionnal parameters for your transcoding" )
#define EXTRATRANSCODE_TEXT _("Defines a few additional parameters " \
"for the transcoding." )
#define CHOOSE_OUTFILE _("You must choose a file to save to")
/* Streaming 2 */
#define EXTRASTREAMING_TITLE _("Additional streaming options")
#define EXTRASTREAMING_TEXT _("In this page, you will define a few " \
"additionnal parameters for your stream" )
#define EXTRASTREAMING_TEXT _("Defines a few additional parameters " \
"for the stream." )
#define TTL _("Define the TTL (Time-To-Live) of the stream. This parameter " \
"is the maximum number of routers your stream can go through. " \
......@@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ END_EVENT_TABLE()
"using the SAP/SDP announcing protocol. This way, the clients " \
"won't have to type in the multicast address, it will appear " \
"in their playlist if they enable the SAP extra interface.\n" \
"If you want to give a name to your stream, enter it here, " \
"else, a default name will be used" )
"If you want to give a name to your stream, enter it here. " \
"Otherwise, a default name will be used." )
* All the pages of the wizard, declaration
......@@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ void Interface::CreateOurMenuBar()
view_menu->Append( Logs_Event, wxU(_("&Messages...\tCtrl-M")) );
view_menu->Append( FileInfo_Event,
wxU(_("Stream and Media &info...\tCtrl-I")) );
wxU(_("Stream and Media &Info...\tCtrl-I")) );
view_menu->Append( VLM_Event,
wxU(_("VLM Control...\tCtrl-V")) );
......@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ void Interface::CreateOurMenuBar()
wxMenu *help_menu = new wxMenu;
help_menu->Append( About_Event, wxU(_("About...")) );
help_menu->Append( UpdateVLC_Event, wxU(_("Check for updates...")) );
help_menu->Append( UpdateVLC_Event, wxU(_("Check for Updates...")) );
/* Append the freshly created menus to the menu bar... */
wxMenuBar *menubar = new wxMenuBar();
......@@ -1493,7 +1493,7 @@ wxMenu* Systray::CreatePopupMenu()
systray_menu->Append( StopStream_Event, wxU(_("Stop")) );
systray_menu->Append( Iconize_Event, wxU(_("Show/Hide interface")) );
systray_menu->Append( Iconize_Event, wxU(_("Show/Hide Interface")) );
return systray_menu;
......@@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ const struct method methods_array[] =
{"rtp",N_("RTP Multicast"),
N_("Stream to a dynamic group of computers on a "
"multicast-enabled network. This is the most efficient method "
"to stream to several computers, but it does not work over Internet."),
N_("Enter the multicast address to stream to in this field. "
"to stream to several computers, but it does not work over the Internet."),
N_("Enter the multicast address to stream to. "
"This must be an IP address between an "
"For a private use, enter an address beginning with 239.255."),
"For private use, enter an address beginning with 239.255."),
{ MUX_TS, -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 } },
N_("Stream to several computers. This method is "
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ private:
#define PLAYLIST_LONGTEXT N_("There are two possible playlist views in the " \
"interface : the normal playlist (separate window), or an " \
"embedded playlist (within the main interface, but with " \
"less features. You can select which one will be available " \
"less features). You can select which one will be available " \
"on the toolbar (or both)." )
static int pi_playlist_views[] = { 0,1,2 };
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ DECLARE_LOCAL_EVENT_TYPE( wxEVT_INTF, 1 );
* wxL2U() use to convert localized “data” strings (while wxU() would convert
* strings from gettext messages). Nowadays, the core use UTF-8 internally
* and wxL2U() is only an obsoloted name for wxU().
* and wxL2U() is only an obsoleted name for wxU().
#define wxL2U(utf8) wxU(utf8)
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