Commit 7e08a135 authored by David Fuhrmann's avatar David Fuhrmann

macosx: overhaul simple preferences interface

- cleanup interfaces section
- Regroup settings, move some to video section
- remove rarely used settings from the simple settings page
- reorder outlets and setup code

close #14504
parent 40669b1f
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
@interface VLCSimplePrefs : NSWindowController
// Audio pane
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *audio_dolbyPopup;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *audio_dolbyLabel;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *audio_effectsBox;
......@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButtonCell *audio_autosavevol_yesButtonCell;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButtonCell *audio_autosavevol_noButtonCell;
// hotkeys pane
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *hotkeys_changeButton;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *hotkeys_changeLabel;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *hotkeys_change_keysLabel;
......@@ -62,6 +64,7 @@
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTableView *hotkeys_listbox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSView *hotkeysView;
// input pane
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *input_recordBox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *input_recordTextField;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *input_recordButton;
......@@ -77,40 +80,47 @@
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *input_avcodec_hwPopup;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *input_postprocTextField;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *input_postprocLabel;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *input_rtspCheckbox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *input_skipLoopLabel;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *input_skipLoopPopup;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *input_mkv_preload_dirCheckbox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *input_urlhandlerButton;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *input_skipFramesCheckbox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSView *inputView;
// intf pane - general box
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *intf_generalSettingsBox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *intf_languagePopup;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *intf_languageLabel;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *intf_styleLabel;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButtonCell *intf_style_darkButtonCell;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButtonCell *intf_style_brightButtonCell;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *intf_artCheckbox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *intf_embeddedCheckbox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *intf_fspanelCheckbox;
// intf pane - control box
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *intf_playbackControlBox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *intf_continueplaybackLabel;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *intf_continueplaybackPopup;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *intf_appleremoteCheckbox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *intf_appleremote_sysvolCheckbox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *intf_mediakeysCheckbox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *intf_appleremote_sysvolCheckbox;
// intf pane - behaviour box
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *intf_playbackBehaviourBox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *intf_enableNotificationsCheckbox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *intf_pauseitunesLabel;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *intf_pauseitunesPopup;
// intf pane - network box
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *intf_networkBox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSView *intfView;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *intf_artCheckbox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *intf_updateCheckbox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *intf_last_updateLabel;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *intf_enableNotificationsCheckbox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *intf_nativefullscreenCheckbox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *intf_autoresizeCheckbox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *intf_pauseminimizedCheckbox;
// intf pane - http interface box
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *intf_luahttpBox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *intf_luahttppwdLabel;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *intf_luahttppwdTextField;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *intf_pauseitunesLabel;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *intf_pauseitunesPopup;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *intf_continueplaybackLabel;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *intf_continueplaybackPopup;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSView *intfView;
// osd pane
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *osd_encodingPopup;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *osd_encodingLabel;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *osd_fontBox;
......@@ -142,15 +152,31 @@
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *resetButton;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *saveButton;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *video_blackCheckbox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *video_devicePopup;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *video_deviceLabel;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *video_displayBox;
// video pane
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *video_enableCheckbox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *video_fullscreenCheckbox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *video_videodecoCheckbox;
// video pane - display box
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *video_displayBox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *video_embeddedCheckbox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *video_pauseWhenMinimizedCheckbox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *video_onTopCheckbox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *video_skipFramesCheckbox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *video_videodecoCheckbox;
// video pane - fullscreen box
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *video_fullscreenBox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *video_startInFullscreenCheckbox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *video_blackScreenCheckbox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *video_nativeFullscreenCheckbox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *video_deviceLabel;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *video_devicePopup;
// video pane - video box
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *video_videoBox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *video_deinterlaceLabel;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *video_deinterlacePopup;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *video_deinterlace_modeLabel;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *video_deinterlace_modePopup;
// video pane - snapshot box
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *video_snapBox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *video_snap_folderButton;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *video_snap_folderTextField;
......@@ -160,11 +186,7 @@
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *video_snap_prefixTextField;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *video_snap_prefixLabel;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *video_snap_seqnumCheckbox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *video_deinterlaceLabel;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *video_deinterlacePopup;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *video_deinterlace_modeLabel;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *video_deinterlace_modePopup;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *video_videoBox;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSView *videoView;
@property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *urlhandler_titleLabel;
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