Commit 7a3a7029 authored by Olivier Teulière's avatar Olivier Teulière

* modules/gui/win32: replaced BitBtns with Buttons everywhere, and

   put "OK" and "Cancel" buttons in an horizontal layout.
   Also updated a few properties here and there.
parent 64c48e9c
object AboutDlg: TAboutDlg
Tag = 3
Left = 442
Top = 281
BorderStyle = bsDialog
......@@ -263,7 +264,7 @@ object AboutDlg: TAboutDlg
Tag = 3
Left = 10
Top = 64
Width = 267
Width = 172
Height = 13
Caption = '(C) 1996-2003 - the VideoLAN Team'
......@@ -308,9 +309,9 @@ object AboutDlg: TAboutDlg
Height = 13
Caption = 'Version x.y.z'
object BitBtnOk: TBitBtn
object ButtonOK: TButton
Tag = 3
Left = 64
Left = 70
Top = 178
Width = 145
Height = 25
......@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ __published: // IDE-managed Components
TLabel *Label1;
TLabel *Label2;
TLabel *Label4;
TBitBtn *BitBtnOk;
TLabel *Label3;
TImage *Image1;
TLabel *Label5;
TLabel *LabelVersion;
TButton *ButtonOK;
private: // User declarations
intf_thread_t *p_intf;
public: // User declarations
object DiscDlg: TDiscDlg
Left = 390
Top = 320
Tag = 3
Left = 465
Top = 337
BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu, biMinimize]
BorderStyle = bsDialog
Caption = 'Open Disc'
ClientHeight = 138
ClientWidth = 338
ClientHeight = 178
ClientWidth = 242
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clWindowText
......@@ -26,11 +27,11 @@ object DiscDlg: TDiscDlg
Caption = 'Device &name:'
object Bevel1: TBevel
Left = 240
Top = 0
Width = 9
Height = 137
Shape = bsLeftLine
Left = 8
Top = 136
Width = 225
Height = 2
Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
object GroupBoxPosition: TGroupBox
Tag = 3
......@@ -112,8 +113,8 @@ object DiscDlg: TDiscDlg
object ButtonOk: TButton
Tag = 3
Left = 248
Top = 8
Left = 24
Top = 144
Width = 81
Height = 25
Caption = 'OK'
......@@ -124,8 +125,8 @@ object DiscDlg: TDiscDlg
object ButtonCancel: TButton
Tag = 3
Left = 248
Top = 40
Left = 136
Top = 144
Width = 81
Height = 25
Cancel = True
object MainFrameDlg: TMainFrameDlg
Tag = 3
Left = 356
Top = 227
Width = 541
object MessagesDlg: TMessagesDlg
Tag = 3
Left = 325
Top = 160
Width = 440
......@@ -41,6 +42,8 @@ object MessagesDlg: TMessagesDlg
Height = 25
Anchors = [akBottom]
Caption = 'OK'
Default = True
ModalResult = 1
TabOrder = 1
OnClick = ButtonOKClick
......@@ -79,12 +79,12 @@ void __fastcall TNetworkDlg::FormHide( TObject *Sender )
p_intf->p_sys->p_window->NetworkStreamAction->Checked = false;
void __fastcall TNetworkDlg::BitBtnCancelClick( TObject *Sender )
void __fastcall TNetworkDlg::ButtonCancelClick( TObject *Sender )
void __fastcall TNetworkDlg::BitBtnOkClick( TObject *Sender )
void __fastcall TNetworkDlg::ButtonOkClick( TObject *Sender )
AnsiString Source, Address;
AnsiString Channel = ComboBoxCSAddress->Text;
......@@ -223,3 +223,4 @@ void __fastcall TNetworkDlg::RadioButtonHTTPEnter( TObject *Sender )
object NetworkDlg: TNetworkDlg
Left = 329
Top = 253
Tag = 3
Left = 507
Top = 259
BorderStyle = bsDialog
Caption = 'Open network'
ClientHeight = 206
ClientHeight = 198
ClientWidth = 497
Color = clBtnFace
......@@ -247,34 +248,15 @@ object NetworkDlg: TNetworkDlg
OnShow = FormShow
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
object BitBtnOk: TBitBtn
Tag = 3
Left = 52
Top = 168
Width = 177
Height = 25
TabOrder = 0
OnClick = BitBtnOkClick
Kind = bkOK
object BitBtnCancel: TBitBtn
Tag = 3
Left = 268
Top = 168
Width = 177
Height = 25
TabOrder = 1
OnClick = BitBtnCancelClick
Kind = bkCancel
object GroupBoxMode: TGroupBox
Tag = 3
Left = 8
Top = 8
Width = 481
Height = 145
Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
Caption = 'Network mode'
TabOrder = 2
TabOrder = 0
object LabelUDPPort: TLabel
Tag = 3
Left = 172
......@@ -289,6 +271,7 @@ object NetworkDlg: TNetworkDlg
Top = 54
Width = 22
Height = 13
Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
Caption = 'Port:'
Enabled = False
......@@ -298,6 +281,7 @@ object NetworkDlg: TNetworkDlg
Top = 82
Width = 22
Height = 13
Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
Caption = 'Port:'
Enabled = False
......@@ -376,6 +360,7 @@ object NetworkDlg: TNetworkDlg
Top = 50
Width = 161
Height = 21
Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
Enabled = False
ItemHeight = 13
TabOrder = 5
......@@ -386,6 +371,7 @@ object NetworkDlg: TNetworkDlg
Top = 78
Width = 161
Height = 21
Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
Enabled = False
ItemHeight = 13
TabOrder = 7
......@@ -399,6 +385,7 @@ object NetworkDlg: TNetworkDlg
Top = 106
Width = 265
Height = 21
Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
Enabled = False
TabOrder = 9
......@@ -419,6 +406,7 @@ object NetworkDlg: TNetworkDlg
Width = 57
Height = 22
TabStop = True
Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
Enabled = False
MaxValue = 65535
ParentColor = False
......@@ -431,6 +419,7 @@ object NetworkDlg: TNetworkDlg
Width = 57
Height = 22
TabStop = True
Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
Enabled = False
MaxValue = 65535
ParentColor = False
......@@ -438,4 +427,30 @@ object NetworkDlg: TNetworkDlg
Value = 6010
object ButtonOK: TButton
Tag = 3
Left = 48
Top = 163
Width = 177
Height = 25
Caption = 'OK'
Default = True
ModalResult = 1
TabOrder = 1
OnClick = ButtonOkClick
object ButtonCancel: TButton
Tag = 3
Left = 272
Top = 163
Width = 177
Height = 25
Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
Cancel = True
Caption = 'Cancel'
Default = True
ModalResult = 2
TabOrder = 2
OnClick = ButtonCancelClick
......@@ -38,8 +38,6 @@
class TNetworkDlg : public TForm
__published: // IDE-managed Components
TBitBtn *BitBtnOk;
TBitBtn *BitBtnCancel;
TGroupBox *GroupBoxMode;
TRadioButton *RadioButtonUDP;
TRadioButton *RadioButtonMulticast;
......@@ -57,10 +55,12 @@ __published: // IDE-managed Components
TCSpinEdit *SpinEditUDPPort;
TCSpinEdit *SpinEditMulticastPort;
TCSpinEdit *SpinEditCSPort;
TButton *ButtonOK;
TButton *ButtonCancel;
void __fastcall FormShow( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall FormHide( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall BitBtnCancelClick( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall BitBtnOkClick( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall ButtonCancelClick( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall ButtonOkClick( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall RadioButtonUDPEnter( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall RadioButtonMulticastEnter( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall RadioButtonCSEnter( TObject *Sender );
......@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ void __fastcall TPlaylistDlg::FormHide( TObject *Sender )
p_intf->p_sys->p_window->PlaylistAction->Checked = false;
void __fastcall TPlaylistDlg::BitBtnOkClick( TObject *Sender )
void __fastcall TPlaylistDlg::ButtonOkClick( TObject *Sender )
object PlaylistDlg: TPlaylistDlg
Left = 433
Top = 308
Tag = 3
Left = 470
Top = 197
Width = 335
Height = 436
Height = 435
Caption = 'Playlist'
Color = clBtnFace
......@@ -16,24 +17,12 @@ object PlaylistDlg: TPlaylistDlg
OnShow = FormShow
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
object BitBtnOk: TBitBtn
Tag = 3
Left = 76
Top = 356
Width = 176
Height = 25
Anchors = [akBottom]
Caption = 'OK'
ModalResult = 1
TabOrder = 0
OnClick = BitBtnOkClick
object ListViewPlaylist: TListView
Tag = 3
Left = 11
Top = 10
Width = 305
Height = 331
Height = 330
Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
Columns = <
......@@ -56,6 +45,19 @@ object PlaylistDlg: TPlaylistDlg
OnDblClick = PlayStreamActionExecute
OnKeyDown = ListViewPlaylistKeyDown
object ButtonOK: TButton
Tag = 3
Left = 75
Top = 352
Width = 177
Height = 25
Anchors = [akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
Caption = 'OK'
Default = True
ModalResult = 1
TabOrder = 0
OnClick = ButtonOkClick
object MainMenuPlaylist: TMainMenu
Left = 8
Top = 8
......@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@
class TPlaylistDlg : public TForm
__published: // IDE-managed Components
TBitBtn *BitBtnOk;
TMainMenu *MainMenuPlaylist;
TMenuItem *MenuAdd;
TMenuItem *MenuAddFile;
......@@ -75,9 +74,10 @@ __published: // IDE-managed Components
TAction *PlayStreamAction;
TOpenDialog *PlaylistOpenDlg;
TSaveDialog *PlaylistSaveDlg;
TButton *ButtonOK;
void __fastcall FormShow( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall FormHide( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall BitBtnOkClick( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall ButtonOkClick( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall ListViewPlaylistKeyDown( TObject *Sender, WORD &Key,
TShiftState Shift );
void __fastcall ListViewPlaylistCustomDrawItem( TCustomListView *Sender,
object PreferencesDlg: TPreferencesDlg
Tag = 3
Left = 310
Top = 125
Width = 458
......@@ -257,6 +258,7 @@ object PreferencesDlg: TPreferencesDlg
TabOrder = 0
object ButtonApply: TButton
Tag = 3
Left = 266
Top = 530
Width = 82
......@@ -267,6 +269,7 @@ object PreferencesDlg: TPreferencesDlg
OnClick = ButtonApplyClick
object ButtonSave: TButton
Tag = 3
Left = 359
Top = 530
Width = 82
......@@ -277,6 +280,7 @@ object PreferencesDlg: TPreferencesDlg
OnClick = ButtonSaveClick
object ButtonOK: TButton
Tag = 3
Left = 81
Top = 530
Width = 82
......@@ -284,16 +288,20 @@ object PreferencesDlg: TPreferencesDlg
Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
Caption = 'OK'
Default = True
ModalResult = 1
TabOrder = 1
OnClick = ButtonOkClick
object ButtonCancel: TButton
Tag = 3
Left = 174
Top = 530
Width = 82
Height = 25
Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
Cancel = True
Caption = 'Cancel'
ModalResult = 2
TabOrder = 2
OnClick = ButtonCancelClick
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* sout.cpp: the stream ouput dialog box
* Copyright (C) 2002-2003 VideoLAN
* $Id: sout.cpp,v 1.3 2003/01/23 03:33:34 ipkiss Exp $
* $Id: sout.cpp,v 1.4 2003/01/26 03:55:36 ipkiss Exp $
* Authors: Olivier Teuliere <>
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ void __fastcall TSoutDlg::RadioButtonAccessClick( TObject *Sender )
void __fastcall TSoutDlg::BitBtnOKClick( TObject *Sender )
void __fastcall TSoutDlg::ButtonOKClick( TObject *Sender )
config_PutPsz( p_intf, "sout", EditMrl->Text.c_str() );
object SoutDlg: TSoutDlg
Left = 500
Top = 325
Tag = 3
Left = 454
Top = 369
Width = 394
Height = 244
Height = 238
Caption = 'Stream output'
Color = clBtnFace
......@@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ object SoutDlg: TSoutDlg
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
object GroupBoxStreamOut: TGroupBox
Tag = 3
Left = 8
Top = 8
Width = 369
......@@ -22,6 +24,7 @@ object SoutDlg: TSoutDlg
Caption = 'Stream output MRL (Media Resource Locator)'
TabOrder = 0
object LabelPort: TLabel
Tag = 3
Left = 264
Top = 98
Width = 22
......@@ -31,6 +34,7 @@ object SoutDlg: TSoutDlg
Enabled = False
object LabelAddress: TLabel
Tag = 3
Left = 96
Top = 98
Width = 41
......@@ -54,6 +58,7 @@ object SoutDlg: TSoutDlg
Height = 97
TabOrder = 1
object RadioButtonFile: TRadioButton
Tag = 3
Left = 8
Top = 8
Width = 49
......@@ -65,6 +70,7 @@ object SoutDlg: TSoutDlg
OnClick = RadioButtonAccessClick
object RadioButtonUDP: TRadioButton
Tag = 3
Left = 8
Top = 40
Width = 49
......@@ -74,6 +80,7 @@ object SoutDlg: TSoutDlg
OnClick = RadioButtonAccessClick
object RadioButtonRTP: TRadioButton
Tag = 3
Left = 8
Top = 72
Width = 49
......@@ -84,13 +91,14 @@ object SoutDlg: TSoutDlg
object ButtonBrowse: TButton
Tag = 3
Left = 278
Top = 60
Width = 75
Height = 25
Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
Caption = 'Browse...'
TabOrder = 2
TabOrder = 3
OnClick = ButtonBrowseClick
object EditFile: TEdit
......@@ -99,7 +107,7 @@ object SoutDlg: TSoutDlg
Width = 177
Height = 21
Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
TabOrder = 3
TabOrder = 2
OnChange = CustomEditChange
object SpinEditPort: TCSpinEdit
......@@ -112,7 +120,7 @@ object SoutDlg: TSoutDlg
Enabled = False
MaxValue = 100000
ParentColor = False
TabOrder = 4
TabOrder = 5
Value = 1234
OnChange = CustomEditChange
OnClick = CustomEditChange
......@@ -124,7 +132,7 @@ object SoutDlg: TSoutDlg
Height = 21
Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
Enabled = False
TabOrder = 5
TabOrder = 4
Text = ''
OnChange = CustomEditChange
......@@ -136,6 +144,7 @@ object SoutDlg: TSoutDlg
Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
TabOrder = 6
object RadioButtonPS: TRadioButton
Tag = 3
Left = 3
Top = 4
Width = 41
......@@ -146,6 +155,7 @@ object SoutDlg: TSoutDlg
OnClick = RadioButtonMuxClick
object RadioButtonTS: TRadioButton
Tag = 3
Left = 40
Top = 4
Width = 41
......@@ -159,22 +169,28 @@ object SoutDlg: TSoutDlg
object BitBtnOK: TBitBtn
Left = 31
Top = 184
Width = 138
object ButtonOK: TButton
Tag = 3
Left = 56
Top = 176
Width = 97
Height = 25
Caption = 'OK'
Default = True
ModalResult = 1
TabOrder = 1
OnClick = BitBtnOKClick
Kind = bkOK
OnClick = ButtonOKClick
object BitBtnCancel: TBitBtn
Left = 216
Top = 184
Width = 136
object ButtonCancel: TButton
Tag = 3
Left = 232
Top = 176
Width = 97
Height = 25
Cancel = True
Caption = 'Cancel'
ModalResult = 2
TabOrder = 2
Kind = bkCancel
object OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog
Left = 120
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* sout.h: the stream ouput dialog box
* Copyright (C) 2002-2003 VideoLAN
* $Id: sout.h,v 1.2 2003/01/22 21:42:51 ipkiss Exp $
* $Id: sout.h,v 1.3 2003/01/26 03:55:36 ipkiss Exp $
* Authors: Olivier Teuliere <>
......@@ -49,16 +49,16 @@ __published: // IDE-managed Components
TEdit *EditAddress;
TLabel *LabelPort;
TLabel *LabelAddress;
TBitBtn *BitBtnOK;
TBitBtn *BitBtnCancel;
TPanel *PanelMux;
TRadioButton *RadioButtonPS;
TRadioButton *RadioButtonTS;
TButton *ButtonOK;
TButton *ButtonCancel;
void __fastcall ButtonBrowseClick( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall CustomEditChange( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall RadioButtonMuxClick( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall RadioButtonAccessClick( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall BitBtnOKClick( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall ButtonOKClick( TObject *Sender );
private: // User declarations
void __fastcall RebuildMrl();
intf_thread_t *p_intf;
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* subtitles.cpp: Dialog box for divx subtitle selection
* Copyright (C) 2002-2003 VideoLAN
* $Id: subtitles.cpp,v 1.1 2003/01/22 21:42:51 ipkiss Exp $
* $Id: subtitles.cpp,v 1.2 2003/01/26 03:55:36 ipkiss Exp $
* Authors: Olivier Teuliere <>
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ void __fastcall TSubtitlesDlg::ButtonBrowseClick( TObject *Sender )
void __fastcall TSubtitlesDlg::BitBtnOKClick( TObject *Sender )
void __fastcall TSubtitlesDlg::ButtonOKClick( TObject *Sender )
int delay = (int) (10 * atof( EditDelay->Text.c_str() ));
float fps = atof( EditFPS->Text.c_str() );
object SubtitlesDlg: TSubtitlesDlg
Left = 397
Top = 333
Width = 432
Height = 134
Tag = 3
Left = 520
Top = 185
Width = 338
Height = 173
Caption = 'Add subtitles'
Color = clBtnFace
......@@ -14,14 +15,16 @@ object SubtitlesDlg: TSubtitlesDlg
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
object GroupBoxSubtitles: TGroupBox
Tag = 3
Left = 8
Top = 8
Width = 310
Height = 91
Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
Width = 314
Height = 96
Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
Caption = 'Select a subtitles file'
TabOrder = 0
object LabelDelay: TLabel
Tag = 3
Left = 48
Top = 64
Width = 30
......@@ -29,7 +32,8 @@ object SubtitlesDlg: TSubtitlesDlg
Caption = 'Delay:'
object LabelFPS: TLabel
Left = 173
Tag = 3
Left = 177
Top = 64
Width = 23
Height = 13
......@@ -44,11 +48,11 @@ object SubtitlesDlg: TSubtitlesDlg
Hint = 'Set the delay (in seconds)'
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
TabOrder = 0
TabOrder = 2
Text = '0.0'
object EditFPS: TEdit
Left = 205
Left = 209
Top = 60
Width = 57
Height = 21
......@@ -56,46 +60,52 @@ object SubtitlesDlg: TSubtitlesDlg
Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
TabOrder = 1
TabOrder = 3
Text = '0.0'
object EditFile: TEdit
Left = 16
Top = 24
Width = 190
Width = 194
Height = 21
Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
TabOrder = 2
TabOrder = 0
object ButtonBrowse: TButton
Left = 219
Tag = 3
Left = 223
Top = 22
Width = 75
Height = 25
Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
Caption = 'Browse...'
TabOrder = 3
TabOrder = 1
OnClick = ButtonBrowseClick
object BitBtnOK: TBitBtn
Left = 333
Top = 22
Width = 81
object ButtonOK: TButton
Tag = 3
Left = 39
Top = 112
Width = 98
Height = 25
Anchors = [akRight]
Caption = 'OK'
Default = True
ModalResult = 1
TabOrder = 1
OnClick = BitBtnOKClick
Kind = bkOK
OnClick = ButtonOKClick
object BitBtnCancel: TBitBtn
Left = 333
Top = 60
Width = 81
object ButtonCancel: TButton
Tag = 3
Left = 192
Top = 112
Width = 98
Height = 25
Anchors = [akRight]
Cancel = True
Caption = 'Cancel'
ModalResult = 2
TabOrder = 2
Kind = bkCancel
OnClick = ButtonOKClick
object OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog
Filter =
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* subtitles.h: Dialog box for divx subtitle selection
* Copyright (C) 2002-2003 VideoLAN
* $Id: subtitles.h,v 1.1 2003/01/22 21:42:51 ipkiss Exp $
* $Id: subtitles.h,v 1.2 2003/01/26 03:55:36 ipkiss Exp $
* Authors: Olivier Teuliere <>
......@@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ __published: // IDE-managed Components
TEdit *EditFPS;
TEdit *EditFile;
TButton *ButtonBrowse;
TBitBtn *BitBtnOK;
TBitBtn *BitBtnCancel;
TLabel *LabelDelay;
TLabel *LabelFPS;
TButton *ButtonOK;
TButton *ButtonCancel;
void __fastcall ButtonBrowseClick( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall BitBtnOKClick( TObject *Sender );
void __fastcall ButtonOKClick( TObject *Sender );
private: // User declarations
intf_thread_t *p_intf;
public: // User declarations
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