Commit 729e509f authored by David Fuhrmann's avatar David Fuhrmann

macosx: move mouse vout event code to vout module

Now it should be usable within own libvlc applications
parent 45296a17
......@@ -706,7 +706,9 @@ static VLCMainWindow *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
[o_split_view setHidden: YES];
[o_video_view setHidden: NO];
[self makeFirstResponder: o_video_view];
if( [[o_video_view subviews] count] > 0 )
[self makeFirstResponder: [[o_video_view subviews] objectAtIndex:0]];
- (IBAction)togglePlaylist:(id)sender
......@@ -767,8 +769,8 @@ static VLCMainWindow *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
[o_split_view setHidden: NO];
[o_playlist_table setHidden: NO];
[o_video_view setHidden: !b_activeVideo];
if (b_activeVideo)
[o_detached_video_window makeFirstResponder: o_video_view];
if( b_activeVideo && [[o_video_view subviews] count] > 0 )
[o_detached_video_window makeFirstResponder: [[o_video_view subviews] objectAtIndex:0]];
......@@ -1523,8 +1525,6 @@ static VLCMainWindow *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
// look for 'start at fullscreen'
[[VLCMain sharedInstance] fullscreenChanged];
[self makeFirstResponder: o_video_view];
......@@ -1835,7 +1835,7 @@ static VLCMainWindow *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
- (void)hasBecomeFullscreen
[o_fullscreen_window makeFirstResponder: o_video_view];
[o_fullscreen_window makeFirstResponder: [[o_video_view subviews] objectAtIndex:0]];
[o_fullscreen_window makeKeyWindow];
[o_fullscreen_window setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents: TRUE];
......@@ -1996,7 +1996,7 @@ static VLCMainWindow *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
[[o_temp_view superview] replaceSubview:o_temp_view with:o_video_view];
[o_video_view release];
[o_video_view setFrame:[o_temp_view frame]];
[[o_video_view window] makeFirstResponder: o_video_view];
[[o_video_view window] makeFirstResponder: [[o_video_view subviews] objectAtIndex:0]];
if( [[o_video_view window] isVisible] )
if( !b_nonembedded )
......@@ -190,18 +190,12 @@ int DeviceCallback( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_variable,
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)o_event
vout_thread_t * p_vout = getVout();
vlc_value_t val;
if( p_vout )
if( ( [o_event type] == NSLeftMouseDown ) &&
( ! ( [o_event modifierFlags] & NSControlKeyMask ) ) )
if( [o_event clickCount] <= 1 )
/* single clicking */
vout_display_SendEventMousePressed( [[[self subviews] objectAtIndex:0] voutDisplay], MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT );
if( [o_event clickCount] > 1 )
/* multiple clicking */
[[VLCCoreInteraction sharedInstance] toggleFullscreen];
......@@ -220,23 +214,6 @@ int DeviceCallback( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_variable,
[super mouseDown: o_event];
- (void)otherMouseDown:(NSEvent *)o_event
if( [o_event type] == NSOtherMouseDown )
vout_thread_t * p_vout = getVout();
vlc_value_t val;
if (p_vout)
vout_display_SendEventMousePressed( [[[self subviews] objectAtIndex:0] voutDisplay], MOUSE_BUTTON_CENTER );
vlc_object_release( p_vout );
[super mouseDown: o_event];
- (void)rightMouseDown:(NSEvent *)o_event
if( [o_event type] == NSRightMouseDown )
......@@ -250,36 +227,6 @@ int DeviceCallback( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_variable,
[super mouseDown: o_event];
- (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent *)o_event
if( [o_event type] == NSLeftMouseUp )
vout_thread_t * p_vout = getVout();
if (p_vout)
vout_display_SendEventMouseReleased( [[[self subviews] objectAtIndex:0] voutDisplay], MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT );
vlc_object_release( p_vout );
[super mouseUp: o_event];
- (void)otherMouseUp:(NSEvent *)o_event
if( [o_event type] == NSOtherMouseUp )
vout_thread_t * p_vout = getVout();
if (p_vout)
vout_display_SendEventMouseReleased( [[[self subviews] objectAtIndex:0] voutDisplay], MOUSE_BUTTON_CENTER );
vlc_object_release( p_vout );
[super mouseUp: o_event];
- (void)rightMouseUp:(NSEvent *)o_event
if( [o_event type] == NSRightMouseUp )
......@@ -295,56 +242,9 @@ int DeviceCallback( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_variable,
[super mouseUp: o_event];
- (void)mouseDragged:(NSEvent *)o_event
[self mouseMoved: o_event];
- (void)otherMouseDragged:(NSEvent *)o_event
[self mouseMoved: o_event];
- (void)rightMouseDragged:(NSEvent *)o_event
[self mouseMoved: o_event];
- (void)mouseMoved:(NSEvent *)o_event
vout_thread_t * p_vout = getVout();
if( p_vout )
NSPoint ml;
NSRect s_rect;
BOOL b_inside;
s_rect = [self bounds];
ml = [self convertPoint: [o_event locationInWindow] fromView: nil];
b_inside = [self mouse: ml inRect: s_rect];
if( b_inside )
vout_display_t *vd = [[[self subviews] objectAtIndex:0] voutDisplay];
vout_display_place_t place;
vout_display_PlacePicture( &place, &vd->source, vd->cfg, false );
if( place.width > 0 && place.height > 0 )
const int x = vd->source.i_x_offset +
(int64_t)(ml.x - place.x) * vd->source.i_visible_width / place.width;
const int y = vd->source.i_y_offset +
(int64_t)((int)s_rect.size.height - (int)ml.y - place.y) * vd->source.i_visible_height / place.height;
vout_display_SendEventMouseMoved( vd, x, y );
[[VLCMain sharedInstance] showFullscreenController];
vlc_object_release( p_vout );
[[VLCMain sharedInstance] showFullscreenController];
[super mouseMoved: o_event];
......@@ -368,4 +268,10 @@ int DeviceCallback( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_variable,
/* while we need to be the first responder most of the time, we need to give up that status when toggling the playlist */
return YES;
-(void)didAddSubview:(NSView *)subview
[[self window] makeFirstResponder: subview];
......@@ -698,11 +698,6 @@ static void OpenglSwap (vlc_gl_t *gl)
[super renewGState];
- (BOOL)mouseDownCanMoveWindow
return YES;
- (BOOL)isOpaque
return YES;
......@@ -715,4 +710,98 @@ static void OpenglSwap (vlc_gl_t *gl)
[[self window] setLevel: NSNormalWindowLevel];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Mouse handling
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)o_event
if ([o_event type] == NSLeftMouseDown && !([o_event modifierFlags] & NSControlKeyMask))
if ([o_event clickCount] <= 1)
vout_display_SendEventMousePressed (vd, MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT);
[super mouseDown:o_event];
- (void)otherMouseDown:(NSEvent *)o_event
vout_display_SendEventMousePressed (vd, MOUSE_BUTTON_CENTER);
[super otherMouseDown: o_event];
- (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent *)o_event
if ([o_event type] == NSLeftMouseUp)
vout_display_SendEventMouseReleased (vd, MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT);
[super mouseUp: o_event];
- (void)otherMouseUp:(NSEvent *)o_event
vout_display_SendEventMouseReleased (vd, MOUSE_BUTTON_CENTER);
[super otherMouseUp: o_event];
- (void)mouseMoved:(NSEvent *)o_event
NSPoint ml;
NSRect s_rect;
BOOL b_inside;
s_rect = [self bounds];
ml = [self convertPoint: [o_event locationInWindow] fromView: nil];
b_inside = [self mouse: ml inRect: s_rect];
if (b_inside)
vout_display_place_t place;
vout_display_PlacePicture (&place, &vd->source, vd->cfg, false);
if (place.width > 0 && place.height > 0)
const int x = vd->source.i_x_offset +
(int64_t)(ml.x - place.x) * vd->source.i_visible_width / place.width;
const int y = vd->source.i_y_offset +
(int64_t)((int)s_rect.size.height - (int)ml.y - place.y) * vd->source.i_visible_height / place.height;
vout_display_SendEventMouseMoved (vd, x, y);
[super mouseMoved: o_event];
- (void)mouseDragged:(NSEvent *)o_event
[self mouseMoved: o_event];
[super mouseDragged: o_event];
- (void)otherMouseDragged:(NSEvent *)o_event
[self mouseMoved: o_event];
[super otherMouseDragged: o_event];
- (void)rightMouseDragged:(NSEvent *)o_event
[self mouseMoved: o_event];
[super rightMouseDragged: o_event];
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder
return YES;
- (BOOL)mouseDownCanMoveWindow
return YES;
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