Commit 60d35d6c authored by Rémi Denis-Courmont's avatar Rémi Denis-Courmont

Avoid overflows in the LUA net API. Run-time behavior will still be incorrect however.

parent 0f9d30d5
......@@ -135,6 +135,9 @@ int vlclua_net_select( lua_State *L )
fd_set *fds_write = (fd_set*)luaL_checkuserdata( L, 3, sizeof( fd_set ) );
double f_timeout = luaL_checknumber( L, 4 );
struct timeval timeout;
if( i_nfds > FD_SETSIZE )
i_nfds = FD_SETSIZE;
timeout.tv_sec = (int)f_timeout;
timeout.tv_usec = (int)(1e6*(f_timeout-(double)((int)f_timeout)));
i_ret = select( i_nfds, fds_read, fds_write, 0, &timeout );
......@@ -168,7 +171,12 @@ int vlclua_fd_set( lua_State *L )
fd_set *fds = (fd_set*)luaL_checkuserdata( L, 1, sizeof( fd_set ) );
int i_fd = luaL_checkint( L, 2 );
FD_SET( i_fd, fds );
/* FIXME: we should really use poll() instead here, but that breaks the
#ifndef WIN32
if( i_fd < FD_SETSIZE )
FD_SET( i_fd, fds );
return 0;
int vlclua_fd_zero( lua_State *L )
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