Commit 50fc1704 authored by Rémi Denis-Courmont's avatar Rémi Denis-Courmont

Remove extra capitals

parent 0bc4a413
......@@ -268,44 +268,44 @@ static const http_status_info http_reason[] =
{ 200, "OK" },
/*{ 201, "Created" },
{ 202, "Accepted" },
{ 203, "Non-Authoritative Information" },
{ 204, "No Content" },
{ 205, "Reset Content" },
{ 206, "Partial Content" },
{ 250, "Low on Storage Space" },
{ 300, "Multiple Choices" },*/
{ 203, "Non-authoritative information" },
{ 204, "No content" },
{ 205, "Reset content" },
{ 206, "Partial content" },
{ 250, "Low on storage space" },
{ 300, "Multiple choices" },*/
{ 301, "Moved permanently" },
/*{ 302, "Moved temporarily" },
{ 303, "See Other" },
{ 304, "Not Modified" },
{ 305, "Use Proxy" },
{ 307, "Temporary Redirect" },
{ 400, "Bad Request" },*/
{ 303, "See other" },
{ 304, "Not modified" },
{ 305, "Use proxy" },
{ 307, "Temporary redirect" },
{ 400, "Bad request" },*/
{ 401, "Unauthorized" },
/*{ 402, "Payment Required" },*/
{ 403, "Forbidden" },
{ 404, "Not found" },
{ 405, "Method Not Allowed" },
/*{ 406, "Not Acceptable" },
{ 407, "Proxy Authentication Required" },
{ 408, "Request Time-out" },
{ 405, "Method not allowed" },
/*{ 406, "Not acceptable" },
{ 407, "Proxy authentication required" },
{ 408, "Request time-out" },
{ 409, "Conflict" },
{ 410, "Gone" },
{ 411, "Length Required" },
{ 412, "Precondition Failed" },
{ 413, "Request Entity Too Large" },
{ 414, "Request-URI Too Large" },
{ 415, "Unsupported Media Type" },
{ 411, "Length required" },
{ 412, "Precondition failed" },
{ 413, "Request entity too large" },
{ 414, "Request-URI too large" },
{ 415, "Unsupported media Type" },
{ 416, "Requested range not satisfiable" },
{ 417, "Expectation Failed" },
{ 451, "Parameter Not Understood" },
{ 452, "Conference Not Found" },
{ 453, "Not Enough Bandwidth" },*/
{ 417, "Expectation failed" },
{ 451, "Parameter not understood" },
{ 452, "Conference not found" },
{ 453, "Not enough bandwidth" },*/
{ 454, "Session not found" },
/*{ 455, "Method Not Valid in This State" },
{ 456, "Header Field Not Valid for Resource" },
{ 457, "Invalid Range" },
{ 458, "Parameter Is Read-Only" },*/
/*{ 455, "Method not valid in this State" },
{ 456, "Header field not valid for resource" },
{ 457, "Invalid range" },
{ 458, "Read-only parameter" },*/
{ 459, "Aggregate operation not allowed" },
{ 460, "Non-aggregate operation not allowed" },
{ 461, "Unsupported transport" },
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