Commit 4ab6e7c7 authored by Jean-Paul Saman's avatar Jean-Paul Saman

silence random access indicator

parent 8fd5f21d
......@@ -688,13 +688,13 @@ static int Open( vlc_object_t *p_this )
ck[0], ck[1], ck[2], ck[3], ck[4], ck[5], ck[6], ck[7] );
p_sys->csa = csa_New();
if( p_sys->csa )
vlc_value_t pkt_val;
csa_SetCW( p_sys->csa, ck, ck );
var_Create( p_demux, "ts-csa-pkt", VLC_VAR_INTEGER | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT );
var_Get( p_demux, "ts-csa-pkt", &pkt_val );
if( pkt_val.i_int < 4 || pkt_val.i_int > 188 )
......@@ -817,14 +817,14 @@ static void Close( vlc_object_t *p_this )
* DemuxFile:
static int DemuxFile( demux_t *p_demux )
demux_sys_t *p_sys = p_demux->p_sys;
uint8_t *p_buffer = p_sys->buffer; /* Put first on sync byte */
int i_diff= 0;
int i_data= 0;
int i_pos = 0;
int i_bufsize = p_sys->i_packet_size * p_sys->i_ts_read;
i_data = stream_Read( p_demux->s, p_sys->buffer, i_bufsize );
if( (i_data <= 0) && (i_data < p_sys->i_packet_size) )
......@@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ static int DemuxFile( demux_t *p_demux )
vlc_bool_t b_payload; /* indicates a packet with payload */
vlc_bool_t b_adaptation; /* adaptation field */
int i_cc = 0; /* continuity counter */
if( p_sys->buffer[i_pos] != 0x47 )
msg_Warn( p_demux, "lost sync" );
......@@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ static int DemuxFile( demux_t *p_demux )
if( !p_demux->b_die )
msg_Warn( p_demux, "sync found" );
/* continuous when (one of this):
* diff == 1
* diff == 0 and payload == 0
......@@ -862,10 +862,10 @@ static int DemuxFile( demux_t *p_demux )
i_cc = p_buffer[i_pos+3]&0x0f;
b_payload = p_buffer[i_pos+3]&0x10;
b_adaptation = p_buffer[i_pos+3]&0x20;
/* Get the PID */
p_pid = &p_sys->pid[ ((p_buffer[i_pos+1]&0x1f)<<8)|p_buffer[i_pos+2] ];
/* Detect discontinuity indicator in adaptation field */
if( b_adaptation )
......@@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ static int DemuxFile( demux_t *p_demux )
if( p_buffer[i_pos+5]&0x40 )
msg_Warn( p_demux, "random access indicator (pid=%d) ", p_pid->i_pid );
i_diff = ( i_cc - p_pid->i_cc )&0x0f;
if( b_payload && i_diff == 1 )
......@@ -893,17 +893,17 @@ static int DemuxFile( demux_t *p_demux )
/* FIXME what to do when discontinuity_indicator is set ? */
msg_Warn( p_demux, "transport error detected 0x%x instead of 0x%x",
i_cc, ( p_pid->i_cc + 1 )&0x0f );
p_pid->i_cc = i_cc;
/* Mark transport error in the TS packet. */
p_buffer[i_pos+1] |= 0x80;
/* Test if user wants to decrypt it first */
if( p_sys->csa )
csa_Decrypt( p_demux->p_sys->csa, &p_buffer[i_pos], p_demux->p_sys->i_csa_pkt_size );
i_pos += p_sys->i_packet_size;
......@@ -1663,8 +1663,10 @@ static vlc_bool_t GatherPES( demux_t *p_demux, ts_pid_t *pid, block_t *p_bk )
pid->i_pid );
/* pid->es->p_pes->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_DISCONTINUITY; */
#if 0
if( p[5]&0x40 )
msg_Dbg( p_demux, "random access indicator (pid=%d) ", pid->i_pid );
......@@ -1759,7 +1761,7 @@ static vlc_bool_t GatherPES( demux_t *p_demux, ts_pid_t *pid, block_t *p_bk )
return i_ret;
......@@ -1951,14 +1953,14 @@ static iod_descriptor_t *IODNew( int i_data, uint8_t *p_data )
if( i_iod_tag != 0x02 )
#ifdef DEBUG
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "\n ERR: tag %02x != 0x02", i_iod_tag );
return p_iod;
i_iod_length = IODDescriptorLength( &i_data, &p_data );
#ifdef DEBUG
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "\n* length:%d", i_iod_length );
if( i_iod_length > i_data )
......@@ -1978,10 +1980,10 @@ static iod_descriptor_t *IODNew( int i_data, uint8_t *p_data )
if( b_url )
p_iod->psz_url = IODGetURL( &i_data, &p_data );
#ifdef DEBUG
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "\n* url string:%s", p_iod->psz_url );
fprintf( stderr, "\n*****************************\n" );
return p_iod;
......@@ -2077,7 +2079,7 @@ static iod_descriptor_t *IODNew( int i_data, uint8_t *p_data )
i_decoderConfigDescr_length = IODDescriptorLength( &i_data, &p_data );
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "\n* - DecoderConfigDesc length:%d", i_decoderConfigDescr_length );
#define dec_descr es_descr.dec_descr
dec_descr.i_objectTypeIndication = IODGetByte( &i_data, &p_data );
i_flags = IODGetByte( &i_data, &p_data );
......@@ -2086,14 +2088,14 @@ static iod_descriptor_t *IODNew( int i_data, uint8_t *p_data )
dec_descr.i_bufferSizeDB = IODGet3Bytes( &i_data, &p_data );
dec_descr.i_maxBitrate = IODGetDWord( &i_data, &p_data );
dec_descr.i_avgBitrate = IODGetDWord( &i_data, &p_data );
#ifdef DEBUG
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "\n* * objectTypeIndication:0x%x", dec_descr.i_objectTypeIndication );
fprintf( stderr, "\n* * streamType:0x%x", dec_descr.i_streamType );
fprintf( stderr, "\n* * upStream:%d", dec_descr.b_upStream );
fprintf( stderr, "\n* * bufferSizeDB:%d", dec_descr.i_bufferSizeDB );
fprintf( stderr, "\n* * maxBitrate:%d", dec_descr.i_maxBitrate );
fprintf( stderr, "\n* * avgBitrate:%d", dec_descr.i_avgBitrate );
if( i_decoderConfigDescr_length > 13 && IODGetByte( &i_data, &p_data ) == 0x05 )
int i;
......@@ -2123,7 +2125,7 @@ static iod_descriptor_t *IODNew( int i_data, uint8_t *p_data )
if( IODGetByte( &i_data, &p_data ) != 0x06 )
#ifdef DEBUG
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "\n* ERR missing SLConfigDescr" );
es_descr.b_ok = 0;
......@@ -2172,9 +2174,9 @@ static iod_descriptor_t *IODNew( int i_data, uint8_t *p_data )
#ifdef DEBUG
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "\n* ERR unsupported SLConfigDescr predefined" );
es_descr.b_ok = 0;
......@@ -2183,9 +2185,9 @@ static iod_descriptor_t *IODNew( int i_data, uint8_t *p_data )
#undef sl_descr
#undef es_descr
#ifdef DEBUG
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "\n* - OD tag:0x%x length:%d (Unsupported)", i_tag, i_length );
......@@ -2195,7 +2197,7 @@ static iod_descriptor_t *IODNew( int i_data, uint8_t *p_data )
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf( stderr, "\n*****************************\n" );
return p_iod;
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