Commit 4665ad27 authored by André Weber's avatar André Weber Committed by Jean-Baptiste Kempf

atmo: updated README.txt for Fnordlicht, added author to THANKS

(cherry picked from commit 2b88fd41)
Signed-off-by: default avatarJean-Baptiste Kempf <>
parent 940c518e
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Amir Gouini <a.gouini at qiplay dot com> - VLC mozilla plugin event listerners.
Andrea Guzzo <xant at xant dot net> - dc1394 firewire support
André de Barros Martins Ribeiro <andrerib at> - Brazilian portuguese localization
Andre Pang <adre.pang at csiro dot au> - Annodex support
André Weber <WeberAndre at gmx d0t de> - Qt4, AAC ordering, Win32 threads patches, video filter module for thehomebrewAmbiLight (AtmoLight)
André Weber <WeberAndre at gmx d0t de> - Qt4, AAC ordering, Win32 threads patches, video filter module for the homebrew AmbiLight (AtmoLight)
Andres Krapf <dae at> - FreeBSD port and tests, KDE interface
Andrew Zaikin <andrew dot zaikin at gmail dot com> - Config saving fixes
Andrey Brilevskiy <director at> - Russian translation
......@@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ Julien Plissonneau Duquène - JACK audio input module 
Julien Robert <jul at> - DTS to SPDIF fixes.
K. Staring <qdk at quickdekay dot net> - RTSP rewind and fast-forward support
Kai Hermann <> - German translation
Kai Lauterbach <lauterbach.kai at web d0t de> - added atmo Fnordlicht support
Kang Jeong-Hee <keizie at gmail dot com> - Korean translation
Kenneth Ostby <kenneo -at- idi -dot- ntnu -dot- no> - Audioscrobbler plugin
Kenneth Self <kens at campoz DoT. fslife _dOt co dOT- uk> - BDA capture plugin
......@@ -242,6 +242,10 @@ MoMoLight options
(its required to set the correct number of channels to get this device working,
because the serial protocol isn't the same!)
Fnordlicht options
"Count of fnordlicht's" - defines the number of devices connected to the bus
VideoLan Options and Devices - the buildin version of AtmoLight supports a subset of the
......@@ -267,7 +271,10 @@ devices that AtmoWin supports.
- Fnordlicht - is a serial device bus, where up 254 lights could be connected
for more information about the device look here:
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