Commit 45c4bf9d authored by Tòni Galhard's avatar Tòni Galhard Committed by Christophe Mutricy

l10n: Occitan installer translation

Signed-off-by: default avatarChristophe Mutricy <>
parent ad1598c2
StrCpy $Name_Section01 "Media Player (required)"
StrCpy $Name_Section02a "Acorchi dins lo menut de partena"
StrCpy $Name_Section02b "Acorchi sul buru"
StrCpy $Name_Section03 "Mozilla plugin"
StrCpy $Name_Section04 "ActiveX plugin"
StrCpy $Name_Section05 "Discs Playback"
StrCpy $Name_Section06 "File type associations"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupAudio "Fichirs udio"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupVideo "Fichirs Vidos"
StrCpy $Name_SectionGroupOther "Autre"
StrCpy $Name_Section07 "Context Menus"
StrCpy $Name_Section08 "Suprimir las preferncias e lo cache"
StrCpy $Desc_Section01 \
"Lo lector"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02a \
"Apondre una icna al menut de partena"
StrCpy $Desc_Section02b \
"Apondre una icna sus lo buru"
StrCpy $Desc_Section03 \
"The VLC Mozilla and Mozilla Firefox plugin"
StrCpy $Desc_Section04 \
"The VLC ActiveX plugin"
StrCpy $Desc_Section05 \
"DVD and CD playback registration"
StrCpy $Desc_Section06 \
"Causir VLC media player coma programa per defaut per aqueste tipe de fichir"
StrCpy $Desc_Section07 \
"Apondre los menuts ('Legir amb VLC' e 'Apondre a la lista de lectura')"
StrCpy $Desc_Section08 \
"Suprimir las preferncias de VLC media player e los fichirs cache de las ancianas versions"
StrCpy $Message_AlreadyInstalled \
"VLC media player es ja installat. $\nVoltz suprimir l'anciana version \
abans d'installar aquela : $(^Name) ?"
StrCpy $Name_Section91 "Desinstallar"
StrCpy $Name_Section92 "Suprimir las preferncias e lo cache"
StrCpy $Desc_Section91 \
"Suprimir VLC media player e totes los sieus compausants"
StrCpy $Desc_Section92 \
"Suprimir las preferncias de VLC media player e los fichirs cache"
StrCpy $ShellAssociation_Play "Legir"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_PlayWith "Legir amb VLC"
StrCpy $ContextMenuEntry_AddToPlaylist "Apondre a la lista de lectura de VLC"
StrCpy $Link_VisitWebsite "Anar sul sit de VideoLAN VLC media player"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeRecommended "Recomandat"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeMinimum "Minimum"
StrCpy $Name_InstTypeFull "Entir"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalDVD "Legir un film en DVD"
StrCpy $Action_OnArrivalAudioCD "Legir un CD udio"
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