Commit 42b4ab8a authored by Pierre Ynard's avatar Pierre Ynard

youtube.lua: be more flexible with JSON spaces

parent 582608e1
......@@ -258,21 +258,21 @@ function parse()
-- "SWF_ARGS", "swfArgs", "PLAYER_CONFIG", "playerConfig" ...
if string.match( line, "ytplayer%.config" ) then
local js_url = string.match( line, "\"js\": \"(.-)\"" )
local js_url = string.match( line, "\"js\": *\"(.-)\"" )
if js_url then
js_url = string.gsub( js_url, "\\/", "/" )
js_url = string.gsub( js_url, "^//", vlc.access.."://" )
if not fmt then
fmt_list = string.match( line, "\"fmt_list\": \"(.-)\"" )
fmt_list = string.match( line, "\"fmt_list\": *\"(.-)\"" )
if fmt_list then
fmt_list = string.gsub( fmt_list, "\\/", "/" )
fmt = get_fmt( fmt_list )
url_map = string.match( line, "\"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map\": \"(.-)\"" )
url_map = string.match( line, "\"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map\": *\"(.-)\"" )
if url_map then
-- FIXME: do this properly
url_map = string.gsub( url_map, "\\u0026", "&" )
......@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ function parse()
if not path then
-- If this is a live stream, the URL map will be empty
-- and we get the URL from this field instead
local hlsvp = string.match( line, "\"hlsvp\": \"(.-)\"" )
local hlsvp = string.match( line, "\"hlsvp\": *\"(.-)\"" )
if hlsvp then
hlsvp = string.gsub( hlsvp, "\\/", "/" )
path = hlsvp
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