Commit 35cb691b authored by Jean-Paul Saman's avatar Jean-Paul Saman

debian/changelog: correct changelog entries

parent 6025478a
vlc (1.2.0-1ubuntu1) lucid-proposed; urgency=low
vlc (1.2.0-1ubuntu1.3) lucid; urgency=low
* Current master git for threaded decoding with ffmpeg
- depends on ffmpeg being built with threaded decoding enabled
(also known as ffmpeg-mt).
* Splice point generation
- simplistic method for splice point generation
* Synced with current master git
- support HTTP Live Streaming
-- Jean-Paul Saman <> Mon, 22 Nov 2010 11:20:17 +0100
vlc (1.0.6-1ubuntu1.2) lucid-security; urgency=low
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