Commit 327323e2 authored by Thomas Guillem's avatar Thomas Guillem Committed by Jean-Baptiste Kempf

android: rename jni_SetAndroidSurfaceSize

Signed-off-by: default avatarJean-Baptiste Kempf <>
parent c9640234
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ extern int jni_attach_thread(JNIEnv **env, const char *thread_name);
extern void jni_detach_thread();
extern jobject jni_LockAndGetAndroidJavaSurface();
extern void jni_UnlockAndroidSurface();
extern void jni_SetAndroidSurfaceSize(int width, int height, int visible_width, int visible_height, int sar_num, int sar_den);
extern void jni_SetSurfaceLayout(int width, int height, int visible_width, int visible_height, int sar_num, int sar_den);
static int Open(vout_window_t *, const vout_window_cfg_t *);
static void Close(vout_window_t *);
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ static int Open(vout_window_t *wnd, const vout_window_cfg_t *cfg)
wnd->sys = p_sys;
// Set the Java surface size.
jni_SetAndroidSurfaceSize(cfg->width, cfg->height, cfg->width, cfg->height, 1, 1);
jni_SetSurfaceLayout(cfg->width, cfg->height, cfg->width, cfg->height, 1, 1);
......@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ static int Control(vout_window_t *wnd, int cmd, va_list ap)
unsigned width = va_arg(ap, unsigned);
unsigned height = va_arg(ap, unsigned);
jni_SetAndroidSurfaceSize(width, height, width, height, 1, 1);
jni_SetSurfaceLayout(width, height, width, height, 1, 1);
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ extern void jni_detach_thread();
extern void *jni_LockAndGetAndroidSurface();
extern jobject jni_LockAndGetAndroidJavaSurface();
extern void jni_UnlockAndroidSurface();
extern void jni_SetAndroidSurfaceSize(int width, int height, int visible_width, int visible_height, int sar_num, int sar_den);
extern void jni_SetSurfaceLayout(int width, int height, int visible_width, int visible_height, int sar_num, int sar_den);
// _ZN7android7Surface4lockEPNS0_11SurfaceInfoEb
typedef void (*Surface_lock)(void *, void *, int);
......@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ static int AndroidLockSurface(picture_t *picture)
if (info->w != aligned_width || info->h != sh || sys->b_changed_crop) {
// input size doesn't match the surface size -> request a resize
jni_SetAndroidSurfaceSize(aligned_width, sh, sys->fmt.i_visible_width, sys->fmt.i_visible_height, sys->i_sar_num, sys->i_sar_den);
jni_SetSurfaceLayout(aligned_width, sh, sys->fmt.i_visible_width, sys->fmt.i_visible_height, sys->i_sar_num, sys->i_sar_den);
// When using ANativeWindow, one should use ANativeWindow_setBuffersGeometry
// to set the size and format. In our case, these are set via the SurfaceHolder
// in Java, so we seem to manage without calling this ANativeWindow function.
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