Commit 2d7a0207 authored by Salah-Eddin Shaban's avatar Salah-Eddin Shaban Committed by Jean-Baptiste Kempf

Freetype: handle special space characters

Close #15840
Signed-off-by: default avatarJean-Baptiste Kempf <>
parent 0eaa306d
......@@ -516,12 +516,23 @@ static int AddRunWithFallback( filter_t *p_filter, paragraph_t *p_paragraph,
* Move p_face to the beginning of the array. Otherwise strikethrough
* lines can appear segmented, being rendered at a certain height
* through spaces and at a different height through words
* through spaces and at a different height through words.
* Skip this step for the specified special characters. See #15840.
if( i_index > 0 )
pp_faces[ i_index ] = pp_faces[ 0 ];
pp_faces[ 0 ] = p_face;
uni_char_t codepoint = p_paragraph->p_code_points[ i ];
if( codepoint != 0x0009 && codepoint != 0x00A0
&& codepoint != 0x1680 && codepoint != 0x061C
&& codepoint != 0x202F && codepoint != 0x205F
&& codepoint != 0x3000 && codepoint != 0xFEFF
&& !( codepoint >= 0x2000 && codepoint <= 0x200F )
&& !( codepoint >= 0x202A && codepoint <= 0x202E )
&& !( codepoint >= 0x2060 && codepoint <= 0x2069 ) )
pp_faces[ i_index ] = pp_faces[ 0 ];
pp_faces[ 0 ] = p_face;
......@@ -958,6 +969,28 @@ static int LoadGlyphs( filter_t *p_filter, paragraph_t *p_paragraph,
i_glyph_index =
FT_Get_Char_Index( p_face, p_paragraph->p_code_points[ j ] );
* If the font has no support for special space characters, use regular
* space glyphs instead of the .notdef glyph.
if( !i_glyph_index )
uni_char_t codepoint = p_paragraph->p_code_points[ j ];
if( codepoint == 0x0009 || codepoint == 0x00A0
|| codepoint == 0x1680 || codepoint == 0x3000
|| codepoint == 0x202F || codepoint == 0x205F
|| ( codepoint >= 0x2000 && codepoint <= 0x200A )
|| p_paragraph->p_types[ j ] == FRIBIDI_TYPE_WS
|| p_paragraph->p_types[ j ] == FRIBIDI_TYPE_CS
|| p_paragraph->p_types[ j ] == FRIBIDI_TYPE_SS
i_glyph_index = 3;
glyph_bitmaps_t *p_bitmaps = p_paragraph->p_glyph_bitmaps + j;
if( FT_Load_Glyph( p_face, i_glyph_index,
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