Commit 2d26ce0b authored by Thomas Guillem's avatar Thomas Guillem Committed by Jean-Baptiste Kempf

mediacodec: remove unused code/variables

Signed-off-by: default avatarJean-Baptiste Kempf <>
parent 706e6bd2
......@@ -157,7 +157,6 @@ struct decoder_sys_t
jobject input_buffers, output_buffers;
int pixel_format;
int stride, slice_height;
int crop_top, crop_left;
char *name;
bool allocated;
......@@ -716,10 +715,6 @@ static void GetOutput(decoder_t *p_dec, JNIEnv *env, picture_t **pp_pic, jlong t
if (*pp_pic) {
picture_t *p_pic = *pp_pic;
// TODO: Use crop_top/crop_left as well? Or is that already taken into account?
// On OMX_TI_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar the offset already incldues
// the cropping, so the top/left cropping params should just be ignored.
/* If the oldest input block had no PTS, the timestamp
* of the frame returned by MediaCodec might be wrong
* so we overwrite it with the corresponding dts. */
......@@ -822,8 +817,8 @@ static void GetOutput(decoder_t *p_dec, JNIEnv *env, picture_t **pp_pic, jlong t
p_sys->stride = GET_INTEGER(format, "stride");
p_sys->slice_height = GET_INTEGER(format, "slice-height");
p_sys->pixel_format = GET_INTEGER(format, "color-format");
p_sys->crop_left = GET_INTEGER(format, "crop-left");
p_sys->crop_top = GET_INTEGER(format, "crop-top");
int crop_left = GET_INTEGER(format, "crop-left");
int crop_top = GET_INTEGER(format, "crop-top");
int crop_right = GET_INTEGER(format, "crop-right");
int crop_bottom = GET_INTEGER(format, "crop-bottom");
......@@ -844,12 +839,12 @@ static void GetOutput(decoder_t *p_dec, JNIEnv *env, picture_t **pp_pic, jlong t
msg_Dbg(p_dec, "output: %d %s, %dx%d stride %d %d, crop %d %d %d %d",
msg_Err(p_dec, "output: %d %s, %dx%d stride %d %d, crop %d %d %d %d",
p_sys->pixel_format, name, width, height, p_sys->stride, p_sys->slice_height,
p_sys->crop_left, p_sys->crop_top, crop_right, crop_bottom);
crop_left, crop_top, crop_right, crop_bottom);
p_dec-> = crop_right + 1 - p_sys->crop_left;
p_dec-> = crop_bottom + 1 - p_sys->crop_top;
p_dec-> = crop_right + 1 - crop_left;
p_dec-> = crop_bottom + 1 - crop_top;
if (p_sys->stride <= 0)
p_sys->stride = width;
if (p_sys->slice_height <= 0)
......@@ -859,14 +854,8 @@ static void GetOutput(decoder_t *p_dec, JNIEnv *env, picture_t **pp_pic, jlong t
ArchitectureSpecificCopyHooks(p_dec, p_sys->pixel_format, p_sys->slice_height,
p_sys->stride, &p_sys->architecture_specific_data);
if (p_sys->pixel_format == OMX_TI_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar) {
p_sys->slice_height -= p_sys->crop_top/2;
/* Reset crop top/left here, since the offset parameter already includes this.
* If we'd ignore the offset parameter in the BufferInfo, we could just keep
* the original slice height and apply the top/left cropping instead. */
p_sys->crop_top = 0;
p_sys->crop_left = 0;
if (p_sys->pixel_format == OMX_TI_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar)
p_sys->slice_height -= crop_top/2;
if (IgnoreOmxDecoderPadding(p_sys->name)) {
p_sys->slice_height = 0;
p_sys->stride = p_dec->;
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