Commit 20a9ce3c authored by Felix Paul Kühne's avatar Felix Paul Kühne

macosx: fix UTF8 rendering issue in question dialog

parent d326912f
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ static VLCCoreDialogProvider *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
NSAlert *o_alert;
NSInteger i_returnValue = 0;
o_alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText: toNSStr(p_dialog->title) defaultButton: toNSStr(p_dialog->yes) alternateButton: toNSStr(p_dialog->no) otherButton: toNSStr(p_dialog->cancel) informativeTextWithFormat: @"%s", p_dialog->message];
o_alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText: toNSStr(p_dialog->title) defaultButton: toNSStr(p_dialog->yes) alternateButton: toNSStr(p_dialog->no) otherButton: toNSStr(p_dialog->cancel) informativeTextWithFormat: toNSStr(p_dialog->message)];
[o_alert setAlertStyle: NSInformationalAlertStyle];
i_returnValue = [o_alert runModal];
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