Commit 1c81c086 authored by Jean-Baptiste Kempf's avatar Jean-Baptiste Kempf

Core: display $Z as Artist - Title

This is more coherent with the rest of the worlds...
parent 9dd2f6ed
......@@ -795,17 +795,17 @@ char *str_format_meta( playlist_t *p_object, const char *string )
if( p_item )
char *psz_now_playing = input_item_GetNowPlaying( p_item );
if ( psz_now_playing == NULL )
if( EMPTY_STR( psz_now_playing ) )
char *psz_temp = input_item_GetTitleFbName( p_item );
char *psz_artist = input_item_GetArtist( p_item );
if( !EMPTY_STR( psz_temp ) )
if( !EMPTY_STR( psz_artist ) )
INSERT_STRING( psz_temp );
if ( !EMPTY_STR( psz_artist ) )
INSERT_STRING( psz_artist );
if ( !EMPTY_STR( psz_temp ) )
INSERT_STRING( psz_artist );
INSERT_STRING( psz_temp );
INSERT_STRING( psz_now_playing );
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