Commit 0fd33223 authored by Clément Stenac's avatar Clément Stenac

Hopefully "The Right Fix" patch for M3U parsing, by Daniel Straenger.

parent c453158b
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ static int Activate( vlc_object_t * p_this )
if( i_type != TYPE_M3U )
char *p_peek;
int i_size = stream_Peek( p_demux->s, (uint8_t *)&p_peek, MAX_LINE );
int i_size = stream_Peek( p_demux->s, (uint8_t **)&p_peek, MAX_LINE );
i_size -= sizeof("[Reference]") - 1;
if( i_size > 0 )
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ struct demux_sys_t
static int Demux( demux_t *p_demux);
static int Control( demux_t *p_demux, int i_query, va_list args );
static void parseEXTINF( char *psz_string, char **ppsz_author, char **ppsz_name, int *pi_duration );
static void parseEXTINF( char *psz_string, char **ppsz_artist, char **ppsz_name, int *pi_duration );
* Import_M3U: main import function
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ static int Demux( demux_t *p_demux )
char *psz_line;
char *psz_name = NULL;
char *psz_author = NULL;
char *psz_artist = NULL;
int i_parsed_duration = 0;
mtime_t i_duration = -1;
char **ppsz_options = NULL;
......@@ -159,17 +159,16 @@ static int Demux( demux_t *p_demux )
/* Extended info */
psz_parse += sizeof("EXTINF:") - 1;
parseEXTINF( psz_parse, &psz_author, &psz_name, &i_parsed_duration );
if( i_parsed_duration >= 0 )
parseEXTINF( psz_parse, &psz_artist, &psz_name, &i_parsed_duration );
if ( i_parsed_duration >= 0 )
i_duration = i_parsed_duration * 1000000;
if ( psz_name )
psz_name = strdup( psz_name );
if ( psz_author )
psz_author = strdup( psz_author );
if ( psz_artist )
psz_artist = strdup( psz_artist );
else if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "EXTVLCOPT:",
sizeof("EXTVLCOPT:") -1 ) )
/* VLC Option */
char *psz_option;
......@@ -206,9 +205,9 @@ static int Demux( demux_t *p_demux )
playlist_ItemAddOption( p_item, ppsz_options[i] );
p_item->input.i_duration = i_duration;
if ( psz_author )
if ( psz_artist && *psz_artist )
vlc_input_item_AddInfo( &p_item->input, _("Meta-information"),
_("Artist"), "%s", psz_author );
_("Artist"), "%s", psz_artist );
playlist_NodeAddItem( p_playlist, p_item,
......@@ -239,8 +238,8 @@ static int Demux( demux_t *p_demux )
ppsz_options = NULL; i_options = 0;
if( psz_name ) free( psz_name );
psz_name = NULL;
if ( psz_author ) free( psz_author );
psz_author = NULL;
if ( psz_artist ) free( psz_artist );
psz_artist = NULL;
i_parsed_duration = 0;
i_duration = -1;
......@@ -267,58 +266,70 @@ static int Control( demux_t *p_demux, int i_query, va_list args )
static void parseEXTINF(char *psz_string, char **ppsz_author,
static void parseEXTINF(char *psz_string, char **ppsz_artist,
char **ppsz_name, int *pi_duration)
char *end=NULL;
char *end = NULL;
char *psz_item = NULL;
char *psz_duration = NULL;
char *pos;
end = psz_string + strlen( psz_string );
/* ignore whitespaces */
for(; psz_string < end && ( *psz_string == '\t' || *psz_string == ' ' );
for (; psz_string < end && ( *psz_string == '\t' || *psz_string == ' ' );
psz_string++ );
/* read all digits */
/* duration: read to next comma */
psz_item = psz_string;
psz_duration = strchr( psz_string, ',' );
if( psz_duration )
psz_string = strchr( psz_string, ',' );
if ( psz_string )
*psz_duration = '\0';
*pi_duration = atoi(psz_item);
psz_string = psz_duration;
*psz_string = '\0';
*pi_duration = atoi( psz_item );
if( psz_string < end ) /* continue parsing if possible */
/* read the author */
/* parse the author until unescaped comma is reached */
psz_item = pos = psz_string;
while( psz_string < end && *psz_string != ',' )
if( *psz_string == '\\' )
psz_string++; /* Skip escape character */
*pos++ = *psz_string++;
*pos = '\0'; /* terminate the item */
*ppsz_author = psz_item;
if ( psz_string < end ) /* continue parsing if possible */
/* analyse the remaining string */
psz_item = strstr( psz_string, " - " );
if( psz_string < end ) /* continue parsing if possible */
/* here we have the 0.8.2+ format with artist */
if ( psz_item )
/* *** "EXTINF:time,artist - name" */
*psz_item = '\0';
*ppsz_artist = psz_string;
*ppsz_name = psz_item + 3; /* points directly after ' - ' */
/* reaching this point means: 0.8.1- with artist or something without artist */
if ( *psz_string == ',' )
/* *** "EXTINF:time,,name" */
/* the title doesn't need to be escaped */
*ppsz_name = psz_string;
*ppsz_name = psz_string;
if( !**ppsz_name )
psz_item = psz_string;
psz_string = strchr( psz_string, ',' );
if ( psz_string )
/* Assume a syntax without author name */
*ppsz_name = *ppsz_author;
*ppsz_author = NULL;
/* *** "EXTINF:time,artist,name" */
*psz_string = '\0';
*ppsz_artist = psz_item;
*ppsz_name = psz_string+1;
/* *** "EXTINF:time,name" */
*ppsz_name = psz_item;
......@@ -63,52 +63,26 @@ int Export_M3U( vlc_object_t *p_this )
strcmp( p_playlist->pp_items[i]->input.psz_name,
p_playlist->pp_items[i]->input.psz_uri ) )
char *psz_author =
vlc_input_item_GetInfo( &p_playlist->pp_items[i]->input,
_("Meta-information"), _("Artist") );
if( psz_author && *psz_author )
char *psz_artist =
vlc_input_item_GetInfo( &p_playlist->pp_items[i]->input,
_("Meta-information"), _("Artist") );
if( psz_artist && *psz_artist )
/* the author must be escaped if it contains a comma */
char *p_src; short i_cnt;
/* so count the commas or backslash */
for( i_cnt = 0, p_src = psz_author; *p_src; p_src++ )
if(*p_src == ',' || *p_src == '\\' )
/* Is there a comma ? */
if( i_cnt )
char *psz_escaped=NULL;
char *p_dst;
psz_escaped = (char *)malloc( ( strlen( psz_author )
+ i_cnt + 1 ) * sizeof( char ) );
if( !psz_escaped )
return VLC_ENOMEM;
/* copy the string and escape every comma with backslash */
for( p_src=psz_author, p_dst=psz_escaped; *p_src;
p_src++, p_dst++ )
if( *p_src == ',' || *p_src == '\\' )
*p_dst++ = '\\';
*p_dst = *p_src;
*p_dst = '\0';
free( psz_author);
psz_author = psz_escaped;
fprintf( p_export->p_file, "#EXTINF:%i,%s,%s\n",
/* write EXTINF with artist */
fprintf( p_export->p_file, "#EXTINF:%i,%s - %s\n",
p_playlist->pp_items[i]->input.psz_name );
/* write EXTINF without author */
fprintf( p_export->p_file, "#EXTINF:%i,,%s\n",
/* write EXTINF without artist */
fprintf( p_export->p_file, "#EXTINF:%i,%s\n",
p_playlist->pp_items[i]->input.psz_name );
if( psz_author )
free( psz_author );
if( psz_artist )
free( psz_artist );
/* VLC specific options */
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