Commit 0a592271 authored by Rémi Denis-Courmont's avatar Rémi Denis-Courmont

filter_chain: add filter_chain_ForEach() helper

parent 06336296
......@@ -428,5 +428,8 @@ VLC_API int filter_chain_MouseFilter( filter_chain_t *, vlc_mouse_t *, const vlc
VLC_API int filter_chain_MouseEvent( filter_chain_t *, const vlc_mouse_t *, const video_format_t * );
int filter_chain_ForEach( filter_chain_t *chain,
int (*cb)( filter_t *, void * ), void *opaque );
#endif /* _VLC_FILTER_H */
......@@ -236,6 +236,18 @@ int filter_chain_DeleteFilter( filter_chain_t *p_chain, filter_t *p_filter )
return UpdateBufferFunctions( p_chain );
int filter_chain_ForEach( filter_chain_t *chain,
int (*cb)( filter_t *, void * ), void *opaque )
for( chained_filter_t *f = chain->first; f != NULL; f = f->next )
int ret = cb( &f->filter, opaque );
if( ret )
return ret;
int filter_chain_GetLength( filter_chain_t *p_chain )
return p_chain->length;
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