Commit 011d14cf authored by Frédéric Yhuel's avatar Frédéric Yhuel Committed by Jean-Baptiste Kempf

HLS: don't use floats when not necessary

Signed-off-by: default avatarJean-Baptiste Kempf <>
(cherry picked from commit 0ef7876b)
Signed-off-by: default avatarJean-Baptiste Kempf <>
parent 6444ba44
......@@ -1494,12 +1494,7 @@ static int hls_DownloadSegmentData(stream_t *s, hls_stream_t *hls, segment_t *se
msg_Info(s, "downloaded segment %d from stream %d",
segment->sequence, *cur_stream);
/* check for division by zero */
double ms = (double)duration / 1000.0; /* ms */
if (ms <= 0.0)
uint64_t bw = ((double)(segment->size * 8) / ms) * 1000; /* bits / s */
uint64_t bw = segment->size * 8 * 1000000 / __MAX(1, duration); /* bits / s */
p_sys->bandwidth = bw;
if (p_sys->b_meta && (hls->bandwidth != bw))
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