• Thomas Guillem's avatar
    lib: change libvlc_media_discoverer_t creation · fa7924ac
    Thomas Guillem authored
    libvlc_media_discoverer_new_from_name was creating a services_discovery_t and
    was starting it, so libvlc_MediaDiscovererStarted event (or any other events)
    could not be received.
    To fix that, Split libvlc_media_discoverer_new_from_name into
    libvlc_media_discoverer_new and libvlc_media_discoverer_start. That way, we can
    attach events between create and start.
    libvlc_media_discoverer_new_from_name is now deprecated, but it still works
    like before.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJean-Baptiste Kempf <jb@videolan.org>
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