• Julian Scheel's avatar
    mmal/vout: Properly populate plane specification · c1a53656
    Julian Scheel authored
    The pictures plane specifications were always filled with the size information
    obtained from the vlc picture format combined with the assumption of having 3
    planes. As this is not correct for the opaque case were only one plane with a
    fixed size, which matches the mmal video_render input size, is used, change
    the code to take care of this.
    This change is required to provide other plugins reliable information about
    the allocated data buffer size.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJulian Scheel <julian@jusst.de>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJean-Baptiste Kempf <jb@videolan.org>
vout.c 31.5 KB