• Laurent Aimar's avatar
    Import new http://tivo-vlc.sf.net tivo demuxer version. (The author · 8281a155
    Laurent Aimar authored
    is Neal Symms, patch made by Dave Still)
    Changelog is
    	* v2.0.0 - 21-Mar-2005 - Series 2 support!  No AC-3 on S2 DTivo yet.
    	* v2.1.0 - 22-Mar-2005 - Support for AC-3 on S2 DTivo (long ac3 packets)
    	* v3.0.0 - 14-Jul-2005 - Support for skipping fwd/back via VLC hotkeys
    Please test and report any regression. (The patch is too big to be
    correctly reviewed)
ty.c 56.5 KB