We also provide a package with all the libraries already compiled so it is
We also provide a package with all the libraries already compiled so it is
actually really easy to compile a full-featured version of vlc (these compiled
actually really easy to compile a full-featured version of vlc (these compiled
libraries will only work with mingw or cygwin):
libraries will only work with mingw or cygwin):
http://download.videolan.org/pub/testing/win32/contrib-20040510-win32-bin-gcc3.3.1-only.tar.bz2 (Check out fo more recent versions at the same location).
http://download.videolan.org/pub/testing/win32/contrib-20040902-win32-bin-gcc3.3.1-only.tar.bz2 (Check out fo more recent versions at the same location).
All you need to do is extract it in your root directory (the include files
All you need to do is extract it in your root directory (the include files
and libraries will be put in /usr/win32). You can do this with the following
and libraries will be put in /usr/win32). You can do this with the following
tar xjvf contrib-20040510-win32-bin-gcc3.3.1-only.tar.bz2 -C /
tar xjvf contrib-20040902-win32-bin-gcc3.3.1-only.tar.bz2 -C /