Commit ef4685ad authored by Olivier Teulière's avatar Olivier Teulière

* skins2/parser/interpreter.cpp: Check the VarMAnager first before trying to...

 * skins2/parser/interpreter.cpp: Check the VarMAnager first before trying to parse the action. This fixes a bug with dvd.isActive and LayoutID.isActive
parent 206a6d2e
......@@ -394,49 +394,55 @@ VarBool *Interpreter::getVarBool( const string &rName, Theme *pTheme )
// Register this variable in the manager
pVarManager->registerVar( VariablePtr( pNewVar ) );
else if( token.find( ".isVisible" ) != string::npos )
int leftPos = token.find( ".isVisible" );
string windowId = token.substr( 0, leftPos );
TopWindow *pWin = pTheme->getWindowById( windowId );
if( pWin )
// Try first to get the variable from the variable manager
// Indeed, if the skin designer is stupid enough to call a layout
// "dvd", we want "dvd.isActive" to resolve as the built-in action
// and not as the "layoutId.isActive" one.
VarBool *pVar = (VarBool*)pVarManager->getVar( token, "bool" );
if( pVar )
// Push the visibility variable onto the stack
varStack.push_back( &pWin->getVisibleVar() );
varStack.push_back( pVar );
else if( token.find( ".isVisible" ) != string::npos )
msg_Err( getIntf(), "unknown window (%s)", windowId.c_str() );
return NULL;
int leftPos = token.find( ".isVisible" );
string windowId = token.substr( 0, leftPos );
TopWindow *pWin = pTheme->getWindowById( windowId );
if( pWin )
// Push the visibility variable onto the stack
varStack.push_back( &pWin->getVisibleVar() );
msg_Err( getIntf(), "unknown window (%s)", windowId.c_str() );
return NULL;
else if( token.find( ".isActive" ) != string::npos )
int leftPos = token.find( ".isActive" );
string layoutId = token.substr( 0, leftPos );
GenericLayout *pLayout = pTheme->getLayoutById( layoutId );
if( pLayout )
else if( token.find( ".isActive" ) != string::npos )
// Push the isActive variable onto the stack
varStack.push_back( &pLayout->getActiveVar() );
int leftPos = token.find( ".isActive" );
string layoutId = token.substr( 0, leftPos );
GenericLayout *pLayout = pTheme->getLayoutById( layoutId );
if( pLayout )
// Push the isActive variable onto the stack
varStack.push_back( &pLayout->getActiveVar() );
msg_Err( getIntf(), "unknown layout (%s)", layoutId.c_str() );
return NULL;
msg_Err( getIntf(), "unknown layout (%s)", layoutId.c_str() );
return NULL;
// Try to get the variable from the variable manager
VarBool *pVar = (VarBool*)pVarManager->getVar( token, "bool" );
if( !pVar )
msg_Err( getIntf(), "cannot resolve boolean variable: %s",
return NULL;
varStack.push_back( pVar );
// Get the first token from the RPN stack
token = evaluator.getToken();
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