Commit b704f90f authored by Cyril Deguet's avatar Cyril Deguet

* winamp2.xml: all the equalizer sliders are working !!

* all: the slider background is now in a dedicaded tag 
"SliderBackground". The number of images can now be parametrized
 in both directions, and the offset between 2 images (padhoriz and
 padvert) is no more hardcoded
parent 85fad441
......@@ -332,16 +332,16 @@ void CtrlSliderCursor::getResizeFactors( float &rFactorX,
CtrlSliderBg::CtrlSliderBg( intf_thread_t *pIntf, CtrlSliderCursor &rCursor,
const Bezier &rCurve, VarPercent &rVariable,
int thickness, GenericBitmap *pBackground,
int nbImages, VarBool *pVisible,
const UString &rHelp ):
int nbHoriz, int nbVert, int padHoriz, int padVert,
VarBool *pVisible, const UString &rHelp ):
CtrlGeneric( pIntf, rHelp, pVisible ), m_rCursor( rCursor ),
m_rVariable( rVariable ), m_thickness( thickness ), m_rCurve( rCurve ),
m_width( rCurve.getWidth() ), m_height( rCurve.getHeight() ),
m_pImgSeq( NULL ), m_nbImages( nbImages ), m_bgWidth( 0 ),
m_pImgSeq( NULL ), m_nbHoriz( nbHoriz ), m_nbVert( nbVert ),
m_padHoriz( padHoriz ), m_padVert( padVert ), m_bgWidth( 0 ),
m_bgHeight( 0 ), m_position( 0 )
if( pBackground )
......@@ -352,14 +352,14 @@ CtrlSliderBg::CtrlSliderBg( intf_thread_t *pIntf, CtrlSliderCursor &rCursor,
pBackground->getHeight() );
m_pImgSeq->drawBitmap( *pBackground, 0, 0 );
m_bgWidth = pBackground->getWidth();
m_bgHeight = pBackground->getHeight() / nbImages;
m_bgWidth = pBackground->getWidth() / nbHoriz;
m_bgHeight = pBackground->getHeight() / nbVert;
// Observe the position variable
m_rVariable.addObserver( this );
// Initial position
m_position = (int)( m_rVariable.get() * (m_nbImages - 1) );
m_position = (int)( m_rVariable.get() * (m_nbHoriz * m_nbVert - 1) );
......@@ -386,10 +386,12 @@ void CtrlSliderBg::draw( OSGraphics &rImage, int xDest, int yDest )
if( m_pImgSeq )
// Locate the right image in the background bitmap
int x = m_bgWidth * ( m_position % m_nbHoriz );
int y = m_bgHeight * ( m_position / m_nbHoriz );
// Draw the background image
// XXX the "-2" is a hack for winamp skins...
rImage.drawGraphics( *m_pImgSeq, 0, m_position * m_bgHeight,
xDest, yDest, m_bgWidth, m_bgHeight - 2);
rImage.drawGraphics( *m_pImgSeq, x, y, xDest, yDest,
m_bgWidth - m_padHoriz, m_bgHeight - m_padVert );
......@@ -445,7 +447,7 @@ void CtrlSliderBg::handleEvent( EvtGeneric &rEvent )
void CtrlSliderBg::onUpdate( Subject<VarPercent> &rVariable )
m_position = (int)( m_rVariable.get() * (m_nbImages - 1) );
m_position = (int)( m_rVariable.get() * (m_nbHoriz * m_nbVert - 1) );
notifyLayout( m_bgWidth, m_bgHeight );
......@@ -111,8 +111,9 @@ class CtrlSliderBg: public CtrlGeneric, public Observer<VarPercent>
CtrlSliderBg( intf_thread_t *pIntf, CtrlSliderCursor &rCursor,
const Bezier &rCurve, VarPercent &rVariable,
int thickness, GenericBitmap *pBackground, int nbImages,
VarBool *pVisible, const UString &rHelp );
int thickness, GenericBitmap *pBackground, int nbHoriz,
int nbVert, int padHoriz, int padVert, VarBool *pVisible,
const UString &rHelp );
virtual ~CtrlSliderBg();
/// Tell whether the mouse is over the control
......@@ -141,7 +142,9 @@ class CtrlSliderBg: public CtrlGeneric, public Observer<VarPercent>
/// Background image sequence (optional)
OSGraphics *m_pImgSeq;
/// Number of images in the background bitmap
int m_nbImages;
int m_nbHoriz, m_nbVert;
/// Number of pixels between two images
int m_padHoriz, m_padVert;
/// Size of a background image
int m_bgWidth, m_bgHeight;
/// Index of the current background image
......@@ -591,9 +591,9 @@ void Builder::addSlider( const BuilderData::Slider &rData )
GET_BMP( pBmpOver, rData.m_overId );
GenericBitmap *pBgImage = NULL;
if( rData.m_background != "none" )
if( rData.m_imageId != "none" )
GET_BMP( pBgImage, rData.m_background );
GET_BMP( pBgImage, rData.m_imageId );
GenericLayout *pLayout = m_pTheme->getLayoutById(rData.m_layoutId);
......@@ -632,7 +632,8 @@ void Builder::addSlider( const BuilderData::Slider &rData )
UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ) );
CtrlSliderBg *pBackground = new CtrlSliderBg( getIntf(), *pCursor,
*pCurve, *pVar, rData.m_thickness, pBgImage, rData.m_nbImages,
*pCurve, *pVar, rData.m_thickness, pBgImage, rData.m_nbHoriz,
rData.m_nbVert, rData.m_padHoriz, rData.m_padVert,
pVisible, UString( getIntf(), rData.m_help.c_str() ) );
// Compute the position of the control
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Checkbox id:string xPos:int yPos:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string visible:s
Image id:string xPos:int yPos:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string visible:string bmpId:string actionId:string resize:string help:string layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string
Text id:string xPos:int yPos:int visible:string fontId:string text:string width:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string color:uint32_t help:string layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string
RadialSlider id:string visible:string xPos:int yPos:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string sequence:string nbImages:int minAngle:float maxAngle:float value:string tooltip:string help:string layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string
Slider id:string visible:string xPos:int yPos:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string upId:string downId:string overId:string points:string thickness:int value:string background:string nbImages:int tooltip:string help:string layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string
Slider id:string visible:string xPos:int yPos:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string upId:string downId:string overId:string points:string thickness:int value:string imageId:string nbHoriz:int nbVert:int padHoriz:int padVert:int tooltip:string help:string layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string
List id:string xPos:int yPos:int visible:string width:int height:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string fontId:string var:string bgImageId:string fgColor:uint32_t playColor:uint32_t bgColor1:uint32_t bgColor2:uint32_t selColor:uint32_t help:string layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string
Tree id:string xPos:int yPos:int visible:string width:int height:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string fontId:string var:string bgImageId:string itemImageId:string openImageId:string closedImageId:string fgColor:uint32_t playColor:uint32_t bgColor1:uint32_t bgColor2:uint32_t selColor:uint32_t help:string layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string
Video id:string xPos:int yPos:int width:int height:int leftTop:string rightBottom:string visible:string autoResize:bool help:string layer:int windowId:string layoutId:string
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -79,8 +79,6 @@ while 1:
initlist += ", "
initlist += "m_" + varname + "( " + varname + " )"
vartype = vardef[1]
if vartype == "string":
vartype = "const string"
vars += " " + vartype + " m_" + varname + ";\n"
str += constructor + " ):\n" + initlist + " {}\n\n"
str += vars + " };\n"
......@@ -363,8 +363,6 @@ void SkinParser::handleBeginElement( const string &rName, AttrList_t &attr )
CheckDefault( "over", "none" );
CheckDefault( "thickness", "10" );
CheckDefault( "value", "none" );
CheckDefault( "background", "none" );
CheckDefault( "nbimages", "1" );
CheckDefault( "tooltiptext", "" );
CheckDefault( "help", "" );
......@@ -380,17 +378,34 @@ void SkinParser::handleBeginElement( const string &rName, AttrList_t &attr )
newValue = "playtree.slider";
const BuilderData::Slider slider( uniqueId( attr["id"] ),
atoi( attr["x"] ) + m_xOffset, atoi( attr["y"] ) + m_yOffset,
attr["lefttop"], attr["rightbottom"], attr["up"], attr["down"],
attr["visible"], atoi( attr["x"] ) + m_xOffset,
atoi( attr["y"] ) + m_yOffset, attr["lefttop"],
attr["rightbottom"], attr["up"], attr["down"],
attr["over"], attr["points"], atoi( attr["thickness"] ),
newValue, attr["background"], atoi( attr["nbimages"] ),
attr["tooltiptext"], attr["help"], m_curLayer,
m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId );
newValue, "none", 0, 0, 0, 0, attr["tooltiptext"],
attr["help"], m_curLayer, m_curWindowId, m_curLayoutId );
m_pData->m_listSlider.push_back( slider );
else if( rName == "SliderBackground" )
RequireDefault( "image" );
CheckDefault( "nbhoriz", "1" );
CheckDefault( "nbvert", "1" );
CheckDefault( "padhoriz", "0" );
CheckDefault( "padvert", "0" );
// Retrieve the current slider data
BuilderData::Slider &slider = m_pData->m_listSlider.back();
slider.m_imageId = attr["image"];
slider.m_nbHoriz = atoi( attr["nbhoriz"] );
slider.m_nbVert = atoi( attr["nbvert"] );
slider.m_padHoriz = atoi( attr["padhoriz"] );
slider.m_padVert = atoi( attr["padvert"] );
else if( rName == "Text" )
RequireDefault( "font" );
......@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@
dragdrop CDATA "true"
playondrop CDATA "true"
<!ELEMENT Layout (Group)>
<!ATTLIST Layout
id CDATA "none"
......@@ -151,10 +150,18 @@
thickness CDATA "10"
value CDATA "none"
background CDATA "none"
nbimages CDATA "1"
tooltiptext CDATA ""
help CDATA ""
<!ELEMENT SliderBackground EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST SliderBackground
id CDATA "none"
nbhoriz CDATA "1"
nbvert CDATA "1"
padhoriz CDATA "0"
padvert CDATA "0"
<!ELEMENT RadialSlider EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST RadialSlider
id CDATA "none"
......@@ -20,6 +20,14 @@
<Bitmap id="eqmain" file="eqmain.bmp" alphacolor="#FF0000">
<SubBitmap id="eq_bg" x="0" y="0" width="275" height="116" />
<SubBitmap id="eq_title_focus" x="0" y="134" width="275" height="14" />
<SubBitmap id="eq_notok_up" x="10" y="119" width="26" height="12" />
<SubBitmap id="eq_ok_up" x="69" y="119" width="26" height="12" />
<SubBitmap id="eq_notok_down" x="128" y="119" width="26" height="12" />
<SubBitmap id="eq_ok_down" x="187" y="119" width="26" height="12" />
<SubBitmap id="eq_slider_up" x="0" y="164" width="11" height="11" />
<SubBitmap id="eq_slider_down" x="0" y="176" width="11" height="11" />
<SubBitmap id="eq_slider_bg" x="13" y="164" width="210" height="130" />
<Bitmap id="pledit" file="pledit.bmp" alphacolor="#FF0000">
<SubBitmap id="pl_upleft_focus" x="0" y="0" width="25" height="20" />
......@@ -81,7 +89,9 @@
<Image x="0" y="0" image="title_focus" action="move" />
<Text font="digits_font" x="30" y="26" width="75" text="$T"/>
<Text font="text_font" x="111" y="27" width="155" text="$N"/>
<Slider value="volume" x="107" y="57" up="volume_up" down="volume_down" points="(7,6),(58,6)" background="volume_bg" nbimages="28" tooltiptext="Volume: $V%" />
<Slider value="volume" x="107" y="57" up="volume_up" down="volume_down" points="(7,6),(58,6)" tooltiptext="Volume: $V%">
<SliderBackground image="volume_bg" nbvert="28" padvert="1"/>
<Image x="16" y="72" image="time_bg"/>
<Slider value="time" x="29" y="77" up="time_up" down="time_down" points="(0,0),(220,0)" thickness="5" tooltiptext="Time: $T"/>
<Button x="263" y="3" up="quit_up" down="quit_down" over="quit_up" action="vlc.quit()" tooltiptext="Quit" />
......@@ -108,6 +118,38 @@
<Anchor x="275" y="116" priority="40" range="15" />
<Anchor x="20" y="116" points="(0,0),(235,0)" priority="30" range="15" />
<Image x="0" y="0" image="eq_bg" action="move" />
<Image x="0" y="0" image="eq_title_focus" action="move" />
<Checkbox x="15" y="20" up1="eq_notok_up" down1="eq_notok_down" up2="eq_ok_up" down2="eq_ok_down" state="equalizer.isEnabled" action1="equalizer.enable()" action2="equalizer.disable()" tooltiptext1="Enable equalizer" tooltiptext2="Disable equalizer"/>
<Slider value="" x="78" y="37" up="eq_slider_up" down="eq_slider_down" points="(6,55),(6,7)" thickness="6" tooltiptext="">
<SliderBackground image="eq_slider_bg" nbhoriz="14" nbvert="2" padhoriz="1" padvert="1"/>
<Slider value="" x="96" y="37" up="eq_slider_up" down="eq_slider_down" points="(6,55),(6,7)" thickness="6" tooltiptext="">
<SliderBackground image="eq_slider_bg" nbhoriz="14" nbvert="2" padhoriz="1" padvert="1"/>
<Slider value="" x="114" y="37" up="eq_slider_up" down="eq_slider_down" points="(6,55),(6,7)" thickness="6" tooltiptext="">
<SliderBackground image="eq_slider_bg" nbhoriz="14" nbvert="2" padhoriz="1" padvert="1"/>
<Slider value="" x="132" y="37" up="eq_slider_up" down="eq_slider_down" points="(6,55),(6,7)" thickness="6" tooltiptext="">
<SliderBackground image="eq_slider_bg" nbhoriz="14" nbvert="2" padhoriz="1" padvert="1"/>
<Slider value="" x="150" y="37" up="eq_slider_up" down="eq_slider_down" points="(6,55),(6,7)" thickness="6" tooltiptext="">
<SliderBackground image="eq_slider_bg" nbhoriz="14" nbvert="2" padhoriz="1" padvert="1"/>
<Slider value="" x="168" y="37" up="eq_slider_up" down="eq_slider_down" points="(6,55),(6,7)" thickness="6" tooltiptext="">
<SliderBackground image="eq_slider_bg" nbhoriz="14" nbvert="2" padhoriz="1" padvert="1"/>
<Slider value="" x="186" y="37" up="eq_slider_up" down="eq_slider_down" points="(6,55),(6,7)" thickness="6" tooltiptext="">
<SliderBackground image="eq_slider_bg" nbhoriz="14" nbvert="2" padhoriz="1" padvert="1"/>
<Slider value="" x="204" y="37" up="eq_slider_up" down="eq_slider_down" points="(6,55),(6,7)" thickness="6" tooltiptext="">
<SliderBackground image="eq_slider_bg" nbhoriz="14" nbvert="2" padhoriz="1" padvert="1"/>
<Slider value="" x="222" y="37" up="eq_slider_up" down="eq_slider_down" points="(6,55),(6,7)" thickness="6" tooltiptext="">
<SliderBackground image="eq_slider_bg" nbhoriz="14" nbvert="2" padhoriz="1" padvert="1"/>
<Slider value="" x="240" y="37" up="eq_slider_up" down="eq_slider_down" points="(6,55),(6,7)" thickness="6" tooltiptext="">
<SliderBackground image="eq_slider_bg" nbhoriz="14" nbvert="2" padhoriz="1" padvert="1"/>
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