Commit b5a14d4d authored by Jakob Leben's avatar Jakob Leben

Qt: ensure that item selection has visible effect in playlist views

Fix #3349.
Unfortunately we can not use QStyle to handle selection generically across platforms.
parent 757c699e
......@@ -48,12 +48,35 @@ QString AbstractPlViewItemDelegate::getMeta( const QModelIndex & index, int meta
void AbstractPlViewItemDelegate::paintPlayingItemBg( QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option ) const
void AbstractPlViewItemDelegate::paintBackground(
QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index ) const
/* FIXME: This does not indicate item selection in all QStyles, so for the time being we
have to draw it ourselves, to ensure visible effect of selection on all platforms */
/* QApplication::style()->drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &option,
painter ); */
painter->setOpacity( 0.5 );
painter->setBrush( QBrush( Qt::gray ) );
painter->fillRect( option.rect, option.palette.color( QPalette::Dark ) );
QRect r = option.rect.adjusted( 0, 0, -1, -1 );
if( option.state & QStyle::State_Selected )
painter->setBrush( option.palette.color( QPalette::Highlight ) );
painter->setPen( option.palette.color( QPalette::Highlight ).darker( 150 ) );
painter->drawRect( r );
else if( PLModel::IsCurrentRole ).toBool() )
painter->setBrush( QBrush( Qt::lightGray ) );
painter->setPen( QColor( Qt::darkGray ) );
painter->drawRect( r );
if( option.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver )
painter->setOpacity( 0.5 );
painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen );
painter->setBrush( option.palette.color( QPalette::Highlight ).lighter( 150 ) );
painter->drawRect( option.rect );
......@@ -108,20 +131,10 @@ void PlIconViewItemDelegate::paint( QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewIt
QPixmap artPix = getArtPixmap( index, QSize( ART_SIZE_W, ART_SIZE_H ) );
QApplication::style()->drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &option,
painter );
paintBackground( painter, option, index );
if( PLModel::IsCurrentRole ).toBool() )
painter->setOpacity( 0.2 );
painter->setBrush( QBrush( Qt::gray ) );
painter->drawRoundedRect( option.rect.adjusted( 0, 0, -1, -1 ), ART_RADIUS, ART_RADIUS );
QRect artRect( option.rect.x() + 5 + ( ART_SIZE_W - artPix.width() ) / 2,
option.rect.y() + 5 + ( ART_SIZE_H - artPix.height() ) / 2,
artPix.width(), artPix.height() );
......@@ -209,12 +222,8 @@ void PlListViewItemDelegate::paint( QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewIt
QPixmap artPix = getArtPixmap( index, QSize( LISTVIEW_ART_SIZE, LISTVIEW_ART_SIZE ) );
//Draw selection rectangle
QApplication::style()->drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &option, painter );
//Paint background if item is playing
if( PLModel::IsCurrentRole ).toBool() )
paintPlayingItemBg( painter, option );
//Draw selection rectangle and current playing item indication
paintBackground( painter, option, index );
QRect artRect( artPix.rect() );
artRect.moveCenter( QPoint( + 3,
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class AbstractPlViewItemDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate
AbstractPlViewItemDelegate( QWidget * parent = 0 ) : QStyledItemDelegate(parent) {}
QString getMeta( const QModelIndex & index, int meta ) const;
void paintPlayingItemBg( QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option ) const;
void paintBackground( QPainter *, const QStyleOptionViewItem &, const QModelIndex & ) const;
QPixmap getArtPixmap( const QModelIndex & index, const QSize & size ) const;
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