Commit ae6bd9c8 authored by Rémi Duraffort's avatar Rémi Duraffort

taglib: fix empty attachement urls and if try others embeded image if one isn't good.

parent ff690fdb
......@@ -194,6 +194,7 @@ static void ReadMetaFromId3v2( ID3v2::Tag* tag, demux_t* p_demux, demux_meta_t*
list = tag->frameListMap()[ "APIC" ];
if( list.isEmpty() )
TAB_INIT( p_demux_meta->i_attachments, p_demux_meta->attachments );
for( ID3v2::FrameList::Iterator iter = list.begin();
iter != list.end(); iter++ )
......@@ -202,11 +203,24 @@ static void ReadMetaFromId3v2( ID3v2::Tag* tag, demux_t* p_demux, demux_meta_t*
input_attachment_t *p_attachment;
const char *psz_name, *psz_mime, *psz_description;
const char *psz_mime;
const char *p_data; int i_data;
char *psz_name, *psz_description;
// Get the mime and description of the image.
// If the description is empty, take the type as a description
psz_mime = p_apic->mimeType().toCString( true );
psz_description = psz_name = p_apic->description().toCString( true );
if( p_apic->description().size() > 0 )
psz_description = strdup( p_apic->description().toCString( true ) );
if( asprintf( &psz_description, "%i", p_apic->type() ) == -1 )
psz_description = NULL;
if( !psz_description )
psz_name = psz_description;
/* some old iTunes version not only sets incorrectly the mime type
* or the description of the image,
......@@ -216,7 +230,8 @@ static void ReadMetaFromId3v2( ID3v2::Tag* tag, demux_t* p_demux, demux_meta_t*
!strncmp( psz_name, "\xC2\x89PNG", 5 ) )
msg_Warn( p_demux, "Invalid picture embedded by broken iTunes version" );
free( psz_description );
p_data = p_apic->picture().data();
......@@ -230,6 +245,7 @@ static void ReadMetaFromId3v2( ID3v2::Tag* tag, demux_t* p_demux, demux_meta_t*
TAB_APPEND_CAST( (input_attachment_t**),
p_demux_meta->i_attachments, p_demux_meta->attachments,
p_attachment );
free( psz_description );
if( pi_cover_score[p_apic->type()] > i_score )
......@@ -237,7 +253,7 @@ static void ReadMetaFromId3v2( ID3v2::Tag* tag, demux_t* p_demux, demux_meta_t*
char *psz_url;
if( asprintf( &psz_url, "attachment://%s",
p_attachment->psz_name ) == -1 )
vlc_meta_SetArtURL( p_meta, psz_url );
free( psz_url );
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