Commit 61390210 authored by Felix Paul Kühne's avatar Felix Paul Kühne

* use NSInformationalAlertSheets instead of mis-using the home-cooked...

* use NSInformationalAlertSheets instead of mis-using the home-cooked information-sheet when reporting wrong behaviour of the user (refs #13)
parent 5c869909
......@@ -442,16 +442,10 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
} else {
/* show a sheet that the user didn't select a file */
[o_wh_txt_title setStringValue: _NS("No input selected")];
[o_wh_txt_text setStringValue: _NS("You selected neither " \
NSBeginInformationalAlertSheet(_NS("No input selected"), _NS("OK"), @"", @"", o_wizard_window, nil, nil, nil, nil, _NS("You selected neither " \
"a new stream nor an existing playlist item. VLC is unable to " \
"guess, which input you want use. \n\n Choose one " \
"before going to the next page.")];
[NSApp beginSheet: o_wizardhelp_window
modalForWindow: o_wizard_window
modalDelegate: o_wizardhelp_window
didEndSelector: nil
contextInfo: nil];
"before going to the next page."));
else if ([[[o_tab_pageHolder selectedTabViewItem] label] isEqualToString: @"Streaming 1"])
......@@ -502,17 +496,11 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
if( [[o_t3_fld_address stringValue] isEqualToString: @""] )
/* complain to the user that "" is no valid dest. */
[o_wh_txt_title setStringValue: _NS("No valid destination")];
[o_wh_txt_text setStringValue: _NS("You need to enter " \
NSBeginInformationalAlertSheet(_NS("No valid destination"), _NS("OK"), @"", @"", o_wizard_window, nil, nil, nil, nil, _NS("You need to enter " \
"a valid destination you want to stream to. Enter either a " \
"Unicast-IP or a Multicast-IP.\n\n If you don't know "
"what this means, have a look at the VLC Streaming HOWTO and " \
"the help texts in this window." )];
[NSApp beginSheet: o_wizardhelp_window
modalForWindow: o_wizard_window
modalDelegate: o_wizardhelp_window
didEndSelector: nil
contextInfo: nil];
"the help texts in this window."));
} else {
/* FIXME: check whether the entered IP is really valid */
[o_userSelections setObject:[o_t3_fld_address stringValue] forKey:@"stmgDest"];
......@@ -802,16 +790,10 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
[o_tab_pageHolder selectTabViewItemAtIndex:4];
} else {
/* show a sheet that the selected codecs are not compatible */
[o_wh_txt_title setStringValue: _NS("Invalid selection")];
[o_wh_txt_text setStringValue: _NS("Your chosen codecs are " \
NSBeginInformationalAlertSheet(_NS("Invalid selection"), _NS("OK"), @"", @"", o_wizard_window, nil, nil, nil, nil, _NS("Your chosen codecs are " \
"not compatible with each other. For example: you cannot " \
"mix uncompressed audio with any video codec.\n\n" \
"Correct your selection and try again.")];
[NSApp beginSheet: o_wizardhelp_window
modalForWindow: o_wizard_window
modalDelegate: o_wizardhelp_window
didEndSelector: nil
contextInfo: nil];
"Correct your selection and try again."));
......@@ -853,16 +835,11 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
/* check whether the path != "" and store it */
if( [[o_t7_fld_filePath stringValue] isEqualToString: @""] )
{ /* complain to the user that "" is no valid path */
[o_wh_txt_title setStringValue: _NS("No file selected")];
[o_wh_txt_text setStringValue: _NS("You you need to select " \
"a file, you want to save to. \n\n Enter either a valid path or " \
"choose a location through the button's dialog-box.")];
[NSApp beginSheet: o_wizardhelp_window
modalForWindow: o_wizard_window
modalDelegate: o_wizardhelp_window
didEndSelector: nil
contextInfo: nil];
/* complain to the user that "" is no valid path */
NSBeginInformationalAlertSheet(_NS("No file selected"), _NS("OK"), @"", @"", o_wizard_window, nil, nil, nil, nil, _NS("You you need to select a file, you want to save to. " \
"\n\n Enter either a valid path or choose a location through " \
"the button's dialog-box."));
} else {
[o_userSelections setObject:[o_t7_fld_filePath stringValue] forKey:@"trnscdFilePath"];
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