Commit 49cf899b authored by Rémi Duraffort's avatar Rémi Duraffort

wxwidget: fix #2444 (I just don't want to leave on stupid bug open)

parent c4f8422a
......@@ -799,7 +799,7 @@ void ExtraPanel::OnChangeEqualizer( wxScrollEvent &event )
char psz_val[5];
float f_val = (float)( 400 - band_sliders[i]->GetValue() ) / 10- 20 ;
sprintf( psz_values, "%s %f", psz_values, f_val );
sprintf( psz_values + strlen( psz_value ), " %f", f_val );
sprintf( psz_val, "%.1f", f_val );
band_texts[i]->SetLabel( band_frequencies[i] + wxT("\n") +
wxU( psz_val ) + wxT("dB" ) );
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